Jul 23

DecideChange happens the moment you decide.  Anything before then is “trying.”  The irony of “trying” is although you are doing something you aren’t doing what you set out to do otherwise you wouldn’t be trying you would be doing it.  “Trying” is the story we tell ourselves to soften the truth which is we aren’t yet committed. 

The moment you draw the line in the sand and decide with 100% certainty is when you create progress toward your goals.

Commit to a decision today!  Decide to market to a new group. Decide to get involved in charity work.  Decide to walk.  Decide to do incantations.  Decide to write in a gratitude journal.  It can be anything, make a decision.  Remove the possibility that you can deviate from that decision. Repeat the decision every day.  Stay committed to it.  You condition yourself by following through on positive decisions until they become habit.   

It’s through consistent habits and rituals we reach results.  It all starts the moment you decide