Jan 8
In the Office – Feeling guilty for not working weekends

Q. I’m working for a start-up and I feel guilty when I’m not working at night and on weekends because I know there is so much to do.  I’m starting to feel burnout; how do take time for myself and not feel guilty? 

A. Great question! Guilt is the burden people place on themselves when they aren’t doing what they think they “should.” Since feelings come and go every 30 seconds, any feeling you hold onto longer than that is your choice. Exploring how you benefit from holding on to guilt is the first step. Ask yourself “how does “guilt” serve me?” “What does feeling guilty do for me?”  Look for patterns by asking yourself, “What other areas of my life do I hold on to guilt?” “How does it serve me?” Most often the first answer that comes to mind is “it doesn’t serve me.” Remember your subconscious will hold on to negative feelings because it’s what it knows, not because it’s emotionally healthy.  Go deep so your answers can begin to release you from the guilt.  Feeling guilt prevents you from being present and enjoying the moment. Work to release the feeling of guilt so you can truly enjoy today!

laughingLaura Treonze, serves as Chief Life Strategist with LMT Consulting, which helps executives and teams create massive success through self-awareness. Her life-changing approach has transformed individuals and families and has redefined the way non-profits and corporations “do” business.