Jan 8
Seeing Is Believing…Or Is it?

“I’ll believe it when I see it” will always limit your outcome and yet this is most people’s approach to life.

Our brain equips us with a filter called the reticular activating system (RAS) to help organize the mass amount of information thrown at us daily.  The problem with this nifty subconscious devise is when in default mode it will use past experiences to make sense of today.  Which means the RAS is great if you see your past as wonderful.  It poses a challenge if you believe your past has been inundated with relationship issues, financial problems or professional failure.

Because the RAS works at the subconscious level you need to adjust your view to create a different tomorrow.  You can’t drive your car only looking in the rear view mirror so why would you drive your life that way?  Until you base your future on what you want (instead of what you see) you will forever be stuck exactly where you are today.

The reality is you won’t see it UNTIL you believe it.

So what do you do if you life is “fine” or “mediocre” or even if it “sucks”?  Since the RAS acts like a filter based on your current thoughts be conscious about EVERYTHING you think. Start small…pay attention to where your mind wonders and direct your thoughts to where you want to go.  Visualize what you want.  If you can’t see past where you are then find gratitude in your daily life.  Perform small acts of kindness.  Even these little steps will open a world of opportunity toward where you are meant to go.

Be what you want to appear in your life and and you WILL start to see it.