Aug 7
The Question of Success

The question of success is not what you ask but who you ask.

Have you ever been inspired by someone you saw presenting at a seminar, or bought a program online from, or from a TV ad that claims to be able to help you…lose weight, achieve your goals, invest in real estate with other people’s money, get 5,000 Facebook friends in one day, or make $6,000 a month from home?  Was the pitch so promising that you signed up for the program? How did you do long term?  Did it help?  The reality is most people don’t succeed with these programs at the highest level because they are only motivated in the moment but have trouble following through for the long haul. Why is that?

A lack of follow through in a program isn’t because you lack commitment or you’re lazy. And someone else’s success with the same program doesn’t have anything to do with a perceived advantage they have over you, like they don’t have kids, they aren’t married, went to a better college, or lives in a better geographical location for that.

Success with a program has to do with alignment.  Most often people find success with a specific program because their behavioral style and motivators are in sync with the person who developed the program, and those who don’t find success aren’t. When you’re out of alignment, it makes the process feel awkward and unnatural to you…which leads to resistance, procrastination, or you just stop doing the program.

Success leaves clues, however they are clues to how the person you are asking found their success!  Unless your behavioral style and motivators are the similar to theirs, it’s unlikely you will maintain long-term success their way.

Seek out people who are successful and who you feel aligned with. You’ll discover that it’s not you, it’s who you ask!

laughingLaura Treonze, serves as Chief Life Strategist with LMT Consulting, which helps executives and teams create massive success through self-awareness. Her life-changing approach has transformed individuals and families and has redefined the way non-profits and corporations “do” business.