Jan 5
Who Are You and What Do You Want?



Those two questions are easy to answer if you are making a phone call: who you are and the reason for your call.  What happens when you apply those questions to your life?

Most people don’t know how to answer.  The average person receives approximately 294 exabytes of information each day, which is the equivalent of 17 newspapers. With this much information you can get lost in a sea of opportunity and/or become so overwhelmed with information it’s difficult to see anything.  That’s before you add the influence of other people (parents, spouse, kids) into the mix; which makes it easy to become unclear about your own sense of self and your goals.

Step away from the noise and consider the following:

Who are you?

  1. “I am” Statement.  How do you define yourself?  Create a statement that starts with “I am…” and includes all the characteristics you exhibit on your best day.
  2. Purpose.  What impact do you have on the people in your life?  On your best day what do you love most about your life?  
  3. Past Success.  Describe three times in your life when you felt your best. Describe specifically how you felt during these times?  What do your experiences have in common?  How do your experiences reflect who you are?

What do you want?

  1. When No One is Looking.  What do you do with your free time?  What are your hobbies and interests? How do they reflect who you are?
  2. In 30 Days.  What do you want in the next 30 days?  Often when we think about what we want the answer seems big and far away.  Chunk your goals so you can see progress.  That progress will lead you to the next bigger goal.
  3. Life Experience. What is the experience you want today, tomorrow, and for the next month?  Life is a series of experiences.  Asking yourself what you want in the moment will provide clarity to the experiences you want long-term.

To live a fulfilling life you must shut off the noise so you can hear your inner voice.  Go deep to find your authentic self.   You can’t give to others if you don’t fill yourself first. You can’t fill yourself up if you don’t know what makes you full.  

So, who are you and what do you want?

Laura Treonze, serves as Chief Life Strategist with LMT Consulting, which helps executives and teams create massive success through self-awareness. Her life-changing approach has transformed individuals and families and has redefined the way non-profits and corporations “do” business.