Sign up for your daily dose of inspiration – quick quotes to get you thinking today and beyond.
Sign up for your daily dose of inspiration – quick quotes to get you thinking today and beyond.
The fastest way to building trust is to be curious in the moment; you don’t have to agree with someone else’s truth to welcome it into the conversation.
Sometimes it’s simply not a match; it’s only personal when your ego gets in the way.
Before saying yes to anything ask yourself, does this make me smile? Do more of what makes you smile.
What changes when you move away from who is right and who is wrong and focus on where can we agree?
If you were to be 100% honest with yourself, what would you say?
Make the thing you can’t wait to do a priority TODAY…and then find ways to do more of that EVERY DAY!
Complaining fuels the negative; what specifically can you do to make a positive change today?
Self-care is part of management and if you’re not managing yourself, how can you expect to manage your clients, colleagues, or family?
Repeat after me… it’s not my job to fix other people’s problems.
Confidence is magnetic and comes from within; once you know you can create this energy, you never have to look outside yourself to find it.
A path of personal growth often hinders relationships; be patient… trees without direct sunlight grow at a slower pace.
Without a sense of urgency we tend to overthink and delay taking action.
Intentional is conscious with a clear result in mind, habitual is subconscious and done without thinking; where do you live?
Venting to release and let go can be healthy, venting to validate and justify is toxic; it’s a fine line between the two, so speak carefully.
Forget elevator pitches – hardly anyone talks in elevators – focus on meaningful conversation and human connection to attract business.
A bad culture can be overcome with a positive shift in one person’s mindset and a determination to share it with others. Are you that person?
Often in the silence, past the over-explaining or behind the yelling, is someone’s truth miscommunicated.
You are not a victim to someone else’s behavior–you are a victim to your own response to their behavior.
A decision to make a change now doesn’t make it your final destination, it’s simply the next step in your journey.
Don’t push a conversation for the sake of closure; be curious for the sake of the relationship.
What does it take to shift from fitting yourself in to making yourself a priority?
Be curious in another’s silence; it is often not the end of a conversation, but the end of someone’s comfort with the conversation.
While the unimportant urgent stuff remains a priority, building the business and life you really want takes a back seat–remember, you get to decide who’s driving.
Marriage, work, friendship – it’s not the number of years that matter, it’s the quality of the moments that create your life experience.
All business (and life) is a head game and the one with the most confidence wins. Don’t let anyone or anything get into your head.
You can’t afford to stay negative, the cost is too high.
As a manager you pay people for what they do, not because they show up. Set the standard and hold your team accountable to it.
Not fighting for power doesn’t mean you hand over your power (unless you let it.)
You won’t find fulfillment in doing a “purposeful” task, fulfillment comes from “being” fueled by your ultimate purpose.
Explanations are more for you than for those you give them to.
Most often people aren’t doing things against you, they are doing things for themselves.
As a manager, your job is managing the people and letting your people manage the tasks.
Remember to take time to be alone and to be still…in this world of constant noise and chatter we need the quiet to reconnect with our true selves.
Is happiness really lost or are you stopping yourself from enjoying today because of the story you created about your circumstance? You get to decide if being happy is more important than validating your story.
Negative energy occurs when we are out of alignment with our purpose. What is your purpose? What does it take for you to get back into alignment with it?
We are impatient with things outside of our control – we don’t like to wait in lines, in traffic, for slow internet – but we accept putting our dreams on hold indefinitely waiting for perfect circumstances. Today is perfect, what are you going to do with it?
Is it more important to know “why” you are in a negative situation, or what to do to get out of it? The past provides context but rarely helps you move forward.
The greatest gift you can give another is your presence.
Don’t wait to see it to believe it; believe it and you will see it.
We often get caught up in what to do…to attract clients, meet our ideal partner, land the perfect job…the list is endless When you focus on who you need to be to attract what you want, the “to dos” become beautifully irrelevant.
Acceptance of others allows you to come from appreciation instead of difference; how would accepting others unconditionally change the way you communicate?
Trust isn’t earned–it is given. If it had to be earned, then it never existed, and yet because it is given, it can easily be taken away. Trust unconditionally and be trustworthy always.
Truth is based on individual perceptions, therefore there is no “absolute truth.” Once we embrace our perceptions are not the same as other’s perceptions, we can approach one another with genuine curiosity and a greater desire to understand each each other’s truth, instead of proving our own.
We procrastinate doing the things we don’t want to do. Does it make sense to judge our procrastination OR to ask “what would it take for me to move forward?” Judging yourself keeps you where you are…while the answer to the question will set you free!
While November is the month of gratitude, December marks the month of giving. This season give of your time and give from your heart. It’s the gifts that cost so little that mean so much.
Since no one succeeds alone, who do you have to call to inspire your next great success?
We spend too much time trying to find the “perfect” gift…decide to give of your time and give from your heart. Those are the gifts that are cherished.
Start your day with focused joy; journal, offer daily gratitude, listen to music, meditate, or read; and watch your happiness increase.
The quality of your conversations is dependent on your ability to hear what someone is saying, not in your skill to respond.
Life is like ordering food in a restaurant; unless you specifically ask for what you want, you risk getting a life prepared to someone else’s tastes.
Building trust in relationships requires attention and care; how much attention you give it is often perceived as how much you care.
It’s easy to stack the negative, but it takes practice to stack the positive AND the daily/weekly practice of “positive stacking” builds confidence and increases fulfillment.
“I don’t care what you do, I want to know how you show up in this world!” Try that introduction at your next networking event.
Owning and articulating your feelings to others subconsciously gives them permission to do the same; what would change in your relationships if you were totally honest about how you feel?
Resourcefulness isn’t coming up with a single solution, it’s a willingness to try on infinite options until you find the BEST solution.
Be with people who appreciate you exactly the way you are or risk losing yourself in others’ perceptions of what you “should” be.
When you focus on what you truly desire, infinite opportunities become available.
We are born naturally curious, at some point we are taught we “should know” and often as a result we stop growing. Stay curious!
Actions don’t lie, believe people when they SHOW you how they exist in the world.
Living in abundance isn’t about what you have, it’s about how you exist.
The best intentions are meaningless without action.
Focus on gratitude each day to increase happiness, resilience and build mental muscle.
Finding your purpose is not a final destination; your purpose is about growing into the person you are meant to be and contributing your gifts to the world your way.
Your past doesn’t define who you are today…unless you want it to. Choose who you want to be today.
What can you do right now to take the next step closer to your dream?
Being in alignment with your true self allows you to achieve more with less effort.
The more specific you are about what you want, the greater fulfillment you feel as you get closer to achieving your goal.
Instead of making judgments about someone, consider asking questions to gain a deeper understanding.
Don’t keep trapped thinking that other people “need” you and neglect taking care of yourself. There is a huge cost for not replenishing your mind/body/soul.
Your brain filters on what it knows until you direct it differently; often we get more of what we have because we don’t take the time to articulate what we really want.
No matter how challenging a situation is, there are always options if you are willing to see them.
Are you proactive or reactive with your life? Decide on what you want, take steps to get it and watch your dreams come alive.
There is no “right” timeline for success. Find your rhythm and create your ideal life your way.
If all your efforts to find a new job aren’t working, maybe you are looking in the wrong direction.
What happens if you remove doubt and truly believe in yourself?
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but rather an invitation to allow others to give.
What is your greatest talent? Are you sharing that with the world?
We get stuck when we say there are no options; remaining resourceful will open the door to infinite possibilities.
“Doing” brings you specific achievements, BEING guides you to fulfillment AND a rich life experience.
Being aware of your language is the first step to being powerful with it.
Learning happens not from receiving information but from implementing it; what did you learn today?
Stop “doing” life haphazardly by reacting; make a commitment to create a life experience that is intentional.
If you don’t focus on your ideal, you may get what you need, but you won’t get what you really want. Ask for what you want.
We ask generic questions looking for a specific answer; you must ask specific questions to get a specific answer.
We often judge someone’s inactivity based on our barometer for “active”; what happens when you appreciate their natural tendencies and how they show up in this world instead?
Management skills are not developed managing “great” employees, they are mastered by managing what appears to be mediocre employees to greatness.
See people for who they are, not for who you want them to be; their actions tell you their truth while your story keeps you expecting something different.
Generic goals cannot be measured and often create overwhelm; specific goals allow you to see regular progress and celebrate success along the way. Get specific!
Negatively judging your behavior causes you to hold on to it; allow the behavior to flow through you so you can move on.
Guilt is often our way of proving we care when we think we’ve displeased others; since no one else feels it, the only real outcome is our stolen joy.
When a person complains about a situation they expect the person listening to know what they want from the complaint – skip the complaint and ask for what you want.
Don’t be wedded to the outcome; find the part of the process you enjoy and watch fulfillment come as a result of your momentum.
People don’t want to be told what to do, so ask self-discovering questions that open them up to your ideas. A mind expanded can never go back.
Playing it safe may have gotten you to this point, but growth is the only way to get to the next level. What are you doing to grow today?
Reflect before you act; What does it take for your response to improve the situation?
Instead of forcing new behaviors, be intentional and consistent about what you do naturally well.
It’s not your job to please other people…it can’t be; the cost to your energy and your happiness is too high.
When tempted to make a statement of fact to prove your point, turn it into a question and see what happens.
Reap the rewards of living in alignment – it’s more valuable than money and allows for great abundance.
What changes when the goal of interviewing isn’t to get the job but to figure out if it’s a match?
Listen with every fiber of your being so you can hear the real message being shared.
Complaining may release your emotions, but it never solves the situation. Ask for the resolution you want!
You determine your legacy with your actions each day.
What changes in your situation when you move from resistance to acceptance?
You cannot be your best self with your family when you are distracted by work, and you cannot be your best at work if you aren’t taking time to be with friends and family.
When fear is your predominant emotion, you repel what you want and attract more of what you fear.
When looking for a new job, be yourself. If they don’t want who you are that’s not where you belong.
People search for the “right” way to do things; once you remove the judgment of there being a right or wrong way you create an experience that is ideal for you.
Purposeful existence is creating a life experience that is consistent with what you say you want.
It will be difficult to stay committed to anything if you are not clear on your end result.
If you’re working just for the money, you’ll burn out. Find your passion and let it drive your success.
You cannot afford to enter a new environment with an old mindset; what does it take to leave your baggage at the door?
Happiness is…whatever you say it is…How do you define it?
When we need a change, we frequently change our environment by taking a trip; a change in mindset is more often what you need.
This is YOUR time. Listen to YOUR heart. Do it YOUR way.
Kick off your shoes, walk through the grass and let nature nourish your soul.
Most people mistake being a good listener for support; listening to constant complaining reinforces the complaint; true support helps the person move forward. How are you showing your support?
Confidence isn’t about making the “right” decision; it’s knowing yourself well enough to own the decision regardless of whether it’s perceived as “right” or “wrong” by others.
There are lots of options available when you are willing to consider them.
Backing away from those who don’t embrace your values isn’t about relinquishing your beliefs; it’s about conserving energy for those who do embrace them.
Guilt is the burden we place on ourselves when do what we want instead of what we think we “should” do. Stop “should’ing” — own your choice and be in the moment.
Feelings come and go every 30 seconds…any feeling you hold onto longer than that is your choice.
When everything is important, nothing is important. Priorities require choice.
Many people search for direction on systems, structure, focus and discipline when purpose, clarity, energy and momentum are the best compass.
Your self worth is determined by the integrity you have with your word to yourself.
It’s not about being at the right place at the right time, it’s about finding the right people and being with them more often.
Often our fear about financial lack is the energy repelling the abundance we deserve.
Take time to experience the moment – close your eyes, take in the smells, hear the sounds and appreciate the present.
Find friends who grow your mind.
What if your most important question of the day was “what can I do to maximize my energy today?”
It’s easy to get caught up in “busy-ness”– what would change if you put business building before your daily “ to do” list?
When fear is your predominant emotion, you repel what you want and attract more of what you fear.
We don’t forgive because it makes a difference to someone else, we forgive to free ourselves.
If you don’t stay true to you no one else will.
Often in small business we spend more time and money looking to acquire strangers than we do taking care of our raving fans. How much is that habit costing your business?
“I need to learn more” is often a justification for inaction; what can you do today with what you already know?
If we gave everyone the gift of confidence the world would be a different place.
When you are intentional your results come faster and easier.
Approach and tone often determine conversation or confrontation – you get to decide.
Integrity is standing in your truth about who you are, how you spend your time and who you spent your time with.
If you don’t know where to start you are looking too far forward. Start by asking what will it take to get started? What is the very next thing I need to do?
Engineer the life of your dreams and watch the universe conspire to make your dreams come true.
You can’t create abundance if you are always playing catch up from the past. Start new today!
How would accepting others unconditionally change the way you communicate with them?
Do you truly need something…or do you just want it?
If your only purpose in life was to feel happy, what would you do differently?
Acceptance of others allows you to come from appreciation instead of difference.
To live a full life, we must strive to always learn, grow and advance our thinking.
When our actions don’t support our goals it’s time (re)evaluate our commitment to what we say we want.
If you had to pick a word to live by for the day what would it be? Love? Kindness? Gratitude?
Don’t let emotional issues create physical conditions that make you unhealthy. Address your emotional issues and live freely!
The two most powerful words in the English language are I AM. The words that follow are your identity–think wisely about what words you use.
Being hard on yourself and judging yourself only keeps you stuck where you are. Keep taking steps to move forward and build the life you want.
Decide in this moment that you will approach everything and everyone in your life with curiosity and love. Try it for a month and see what happens.
You get to choose your experience here on earth, so why not choose to be happy?
Don’t work just for money; know that true wealth comes from having a passion and feeling abundant.
If you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself “what would it take for me to move forward?” That question will set you free!
Comparing yourself to others only leads to unhappiness–understand that your journey is uniquely yours to embrace.
Lacking clarity in your goals can cause you to be distracted by other people’s demands on your time. Stay focused and watch those distractions fall aside.
Learn to love yourself and live joyously!
What would you do today if you knew there was no tomorrow?
Be yourself and inspire others to be authentic; that is a gift we can always give one another.
Live your life fully by living in your truth and fill your “book of life” with your success stories.
Contentment is gratitude for what you have.
When someone has an issue with you, realize that it is the result of their interpretation of you, and not necessarily what’s really happening.
Being busy doesn’t produce results – focused, intended action does.
Start your day with focused joy; journal, offer daily gratitude, listen to music, meditate, or read; and watch your happiness increase.
In our effort to make it “perfect” we get caught up in the details and slow down momentum; make progress over perfection your priority to gain real traction.
When you come from lack you will take whatever business comes your way and make it fit; when you live in abundance you only accept business that fits perfectly.
When use all your energy putting out fires there is nothing left to create your ideal life. What is it costing you–your business, and your family–to react instead of create?
It is hard to gain momentum when you are living according to someone else’s plan. Honor the resistance by creating your plan so you can experience your own flow.
Our brain’s job is to keep us safe and comfortable, which is why most people feel conflict around change; owning the discomfort is the first step to finding peace during uncertainty.
The loudest people don’t necessarily represent the majority opinion; be conscious of who you give your attention to.
To open the door to infinite success, wealth and happiness, you need to know who you are and understand what motivates you.
Life is not a means to an end…don’t settle for a job that is.
You can’t change the world and fit in to it simultaneously – celebrate and encourage those who dare to stand out.
By focusing on your RESULT instead of what you think you need to do to reach it, you become resourceful in finding ways to achieve it faster.
Since we teach people how to treat us, it’s important to look at our relationships and ask “what am I willing to tolerate?”
Words and intentions are meaningless, your actions show the world your priorities.
Work/life balance is not something to be achieved; it’s each small decision you make during the day indicating your priorities.
Saying no to doing things you don’t enjoy conserves energy for giving 100% to the things you love.
The only thing holding you back from your ideal life experience is the story you tell yourself about what it takes to achieve it.
What is the outcome you want for today? You won’t find fulfillment without knowing the outcome you want.
Since energy creates momentum how you do your work is as important as what you do. Are you putting out the type of energy you want returned?
What would change if you didn’t make a single statement today but instead turned every sentence into a question?
It’s easy to get caught up in the daily “to do” list and forget about the legacy you want to leave – true impact can not be checked off a list.
Although we introduce ourselves by what we do, we are judged by how we show up.
Define success so you can “win” at your own life!
Feelings physically leave your body after 90 seconds, anything you hold on to longer than that is your choice. So, how are you feeling?
Fulfillment happens when reality meets expectation…if you aren’t fulfilled you have two choices: change your expectation OR change your reality.
Your comparison is not someone else’s reality; if you can make their story sound that good surely you can do the same for yours!
Internal conflict happens when we focus on what we “should be” instead of who we naturally are.
In the world of comparing we look for what we are not instead of proudly declaring who we are – BE YOU!
Resistance occurs when pushing to the point of unnatural, while growth happens when pushing slightly beyond what is comfortable.
Awareness lies in observing the patterns that don’t serve us…change happens in disrupting those patterns.
Trust is key to relationships; have you given the important people in your life the key to unlocking your trust?
We are all humans doing the same thing differently; embrace the sameness as well as the difference.
You set yourself up for failure when you base your success on someone else’s perception or response to you – define success on your terms!
In any conversation the person with the greatest impact asks the most powerful questions.
Your perception is not someone else’s truth AND you only know their truth if you ask.
When it’s not a match, personally or professionally, it’s not personal unless your ego gets in the way.
Generic questions get superficial answers, specific questions get deeper understanding.
Once you stop the busy-ness you can focus on the money producing activities in your business.
A “to do” list is long and filled with urgent unimportant things, a “must do” list is short and focused on the end result.
What does it take for you to value yourself MOST?
Hustling for business tends to be fast, take-what-you-can-get and temporary; building a company is strategic, relationship-savvy and long-term.
Your brain is powerful; instead of focusing on worse-case scenarios, harness it for good and create the life you want.
Pushing your view pushes people away; what questions can you ask to pull people toward you?
Stop trying to be something you aren’t; BE YOU and use what’s natural for you to your benefit.
Hiring is more than building a team, it’s creating a culture – hire wisely.
Self awareness isn’t trying to control what you initially think, it’s focusing on how quickly you can transition from where you are mentally to where you want to be.
You can make yourself a priority AND take care of your family – it’s not one or the other unless you make it that way.
Inspiration tends to be short-term and often comes from external sources, motivation is long-lasting and must come from within.
In most situations it’s not about the way others treat you, it’s about you valuing yourself more.
If you don’t focus on your ideal, you may get what you need, but you won’t get what you really want. Ask for what you want.
What changes when the goal of interviewing isn’t to get the job but to figure out if it’s a match?
Your marketing plan is a relationship building plan!
Release your regrets…when it happens is the perfect time for it to happen!
Does your organization operate on “here is what we do because we have always done it this way” OR “here is what we do because it gives us the greatest return on investment of time and money”?
Gaining internal peace isn’t based on controlling our initial thoughts; it’s how quickly can we transition from those thoughts to who we are truly meant to be.
Since you can never go back–you can only forward–what do you want going forward?
Standing in your truth about what you want is about changing YOU–not trying to change the beliefs of the people around you.
It’s possible to be in an unhealthy relationship with a “good” person. Discovering you’re not a relationship match doesn’t make either of you “good” or “bad”…it’s simply not a match.
You can’t combat all the reasons someone will say no, but you can ask “what would it take to get to yes?”
Relationships build and collapse on the stacking of the “little things” and everything is a little thing.
Managers: hiring may be a hassle but not firing a “misfit” employee is costing you time, money and energy. How much can you afford to lose?
Your words have no meaning if you use them haphazardly.
If you were paid for the RESULTS you produced TODAY, how much would you make?
People fall into the habit of participation but never intentionally decide their ideal experience in advance and then become disappointed. You determine your experience either way.
Where there is a mindset of abundance there are always infinite possibilities.
You can’t drive your car only looking in the rear view mirror, so why drive your life that way?
When price no longer matters, client experience does. What experience do you provide your clients?
Despite proof we are wrong more often than we are right, we are overconfident in our decision-making ability: What happens when you go into a situation curious to find all the ways you’re wrong?
Managing a team isn’t about knowing the “right” thing to do, it’s about shining a light on the gifts of each member so together you create an outstanding unit.
We often adapt to make things fit; if it’s not perfect for you then it’s not a match…say NO!
You are not responsible for someone’s response, you can only own your emotions in the moment.
Love is not determined by how much time you spend with someone but the quality of the time you are together.
Create a positive perception during a negative situation, not to let others involved “off the hook”, but to release yourself from the shackles of your story – you are the only one who holds the key.
We all have hidden rules for people that we don’t intend to, but we monitor and measure others by…what are your rules? Do they serve to improve or break down your relationships?
The “experts” are guessing – the only thing we can truly know is ourselves. Become the expert of YOU!
We often decide something is ”impossible” because we don’t know “how” to achieve the outcome; break down the impossible to the first possible step and watch the “how” unfold.
Be what you want to see in your life and you WILL create it.
When your success is dependent on someone else’s response, you have already set yourself up for failure.
Where there is resistance there is a chance to learn resourcefulness and resilience.
Relationships build and deteriorate on the stacking of little things – be mindful of the small and significant.
We can’t control the first thought that comes into our mind, so the goal is to decrease the amount of time it takes to transition from a mindset that doesn’t serve to one that allows us to show up closer to our best.
External circumstances are not the reason we don’t create what we want; it’s the socially acceptable excuse that prevents us from admitting we didn’t want it badly enough.
You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone (including those closest to you).
What does all your “doing” protect you from feeling?
You can not energetically afford to work outside of your standards. It will always cost you more than you make!
When cultural fit is as important as monetary compensation during a job interview you’ll find you make more faster regardless of where the pay scale starts.
Focus on the best in everyone even when it’s hard to see because it brings out the best in you.
Doing is easier than feeling, but it’s through feeling you find fulfillment.
Often our identity is associated with our current role (child, student, job title, parent, senior citizen) and we forget our true identity is who we are inside.
Circumstances don’t hold us back, how we think about the circumstances does.
Remember doing less with focused intention will always get you greater results than doing lots with scattered effort.
What changes in your organization’s culture when people are encouraged to own their truth and talk face-to-face?
Frustration occurs when reality doesn’t meet expectations – do you redefine reality or lower your expectations?
Many conversations happen electronically increasing misunderstanding, while in-person conversations strengthen relationships – how are you communicating your message?
“At my age” fits whatever meaning you give it – limiting OR empowering – you decide.
What if you believed “experience” isn’t related to time at a specific job but instead is measured by consistent measurable results?
Success should be measured by energy and momentum rather than a completed “to do” list.
You won’t have the energy to be resourceful dealing with real challenges if you waste your energy worrying about stuff that hasn’t happened.
When a positive outlook creates inner conflict you have gone past the point of authenticity – people prefer the real you!
Conserve your energy for being resourceful…worrying is not resourceful!
You don’t have to take full responsibility for everything and everyone, only own what is within your control.
You don’t have to be at fault to take responsibility for your perception and ultimately your outcome.
Sharing yourself with others is always a gift and opens you up to see more of the gift in others.
92% of people who set New Year’s Resolutions do not reach their goal. What one thing are you 100% committed to following through with in 2019?
You can’t be present if you are in your head–think about all the things you miss out on when you aren’t living in the moment.
Happiness is when your real life is as great as going away on vacation.
When we judge ourselves, it’s easy to judge others. Loving others starts from loving within.
Faith is the infinite power that protects us from the effects of negative external forces – use it.
When you start to believe nothing and no one is against you, you start to see everything happens for you.
Energy is your most valuable asset–protect it by focusing on people, actions and goals that add to or multiply your energy.
Don’t do it because someone told you to–do it because you are drawn to do it from your soul. Long-term results happen when you are “being” not when you are “doing.”
If you are learning from those around you, you aren’t using other’s mistakes as a reason to stay comfortable, instead you are making better choices that move you into action and toward your dreams.
Your value is based on what you believe you deserve – there is no imaginary career limit except for the one you create yourself.
We tend to be more clear about what we don’t want and we get more of it. Ask for what you want. Be clear. Your mind has two jobs – to answer your questions and prove you right. It will get you what you ask for either way.
Most people want to be part of something larger than themselves and to contribute. What would happen if you harnessed that human desire to WOW the people in your world – your clients, employees, friends and family?
It’s difficult to assess a situation when you are in it. Step above so you can see the patterns, notice the distinctions and learn from them.
Do you track your magic moments during the week? Start evaluating your success by the number of magic moments you have instead of the numbers on a spreadsheet and your results are guaranteed to be bigger and arrive faster.
When we judge others we are saying our way of looking at things is the “right” way. What opportunities to grow and learn do we miss when our “right way” is the only way we see?
“I can, but I don’t” is not an excuse, it’s a sign. Look at what you are avoiding. Instead of forcing yourself and wasting energy, be resourceful and find another way.
When you act “as if” your brain literally searches for ways to make it happen – act “as if” long enough and watch it become your reality!
Often people talk about discipline as a reference to getting “things” done, however true discipline is about “being” in the right mindset.
What can you do today to make it (and everyday) a day to celebrate?
How do you define success? You won’t find it until you define it.
Memories are the story we create about our past; the meaning you give your past has a huge impact on your future. Does the way you remember your life help you create an empowering future?
It’s hard to see beyond the horizon from where you stand; stepping above the situation is where the future becomes clear.
The distinction of an artist lies in the details. The art of being specific allows you to paint the life you’ve always dreamed. The alternative is a blank canvas left to the whim of someone else’s brush. Color your world!
Have you ever caught yourself judging others? Judging yourself? Judging cripples while kindness cures…focus on kind thoughts to yourself and kind gestures to others. Kindness is the cure!
Disengagement happens when we become disconnected with our work (and our relationships). What is one thing you can do today to reconnect at home or at work?
Although Black Friday begins the official start to holiday shopping season it’s important to remember the holidays are not about what we buy but what we give. The greatest gift is time and it’s always free.
‘Thanksgivings’ were regularly celebrated by New England colonists as a way to thank God for their blessings. Practice being thankful today and throughout the year. Happy Thanksgiving!
Gratitude is shown in different ways and has the power to alter a conversation, transform a day and change a life – your life. How do you show your gratitude?
Life is so much better when surrounded by those who push us beyond what we dreamed possible and who love us more than we loved ourselves before we met them.
Fill yourself up so that you may overflow the best of you to others.
Life is perfect when you know you are exactly where you are meant to be regardless of how you arrived there.
Stop living by default – say “I DO” to YOU and create your “Intended Desired Outcome” TODAY!
You won’t see it until you believe it, so waiting until then will keep you exactly where you are – is that good enough for you?
Today is the day you live like there is no tomorrow.
Salespeople, STOP “prospecting” – focus on being an expert/the best in your field and watch the prospects find you.
Working for money may make you rich but true wealth comes from abundance within.
The story you create about your past will determine your future – do you like the way it ends?
Your life’s work is not the occupation you hold at the moment but who you are during your lifetime.
Motivation is dependent on external forces while inspiration is internal and within your control – take your power back by finding your inspiration to establish long-term sustainable success.
Accepting others doesn’t mean taking on their story – when your life is full there is no room for anyone else’s story in your book.
How you start your day will determine how you live your day; protect yourself from “the stuff” that happens around you by putting on your Daily Armor – journal, offer daily gratitude, listen to music, meditate, or read – whatever it takes to start your day off right.
Don’t hide your dreams! State your dreams, share them with the world and see what happens!
If you’re looking externally for ways to be happy, you will never find it. Look within….and you will find happiness waiting for you.
We frequently place a value on our time when we need to put a value on our energy! Measure your energy over time and discover the true cost of not living your dreams.
Do you find yourself being caught up in “doing” instead of allowing things to flow? Take purposeful action each day and allow the magic to unfold.
To become happy, you must define what happiness means for you. Be specific. Until you know what you want you will continue to get what you have always had.
Feeling stuck? Progress happens with clarity. Get clear on where you want to be in life so you can start moving towards that destination.
Reconnect with nature and embrace your joy in living.
What would your life look like if you trusted your intuition every day?
Be kind to yourself and everyone you encounter.
Listen to understand, not just to hear the words being spoken.
What would change if you approached everyone you met with curiosity instead of judgement?
The key to being successful is to understand what you do best — and do that every day.
Life is full of detours, but trust in each moment that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
To show up as your best self, incorporate self-care to nourish your soul into your daily routine.
Understanding what motivates you each day opens the doors of opportunities for infinite success, wealth and happiness.
Start your day with clear intentions about what you want to experience and how you want to feel, and watch your life become aligned with your dreams.
Feel gratitude for what you have each day and watch your joy increase.
Being busy may produce small results; but to create the life you dream of, focus on intentional action each day.
Live fully and fill your book of life with the stories that reflect who you are.
The subconscious mind constantly gives you what you believe in, so believe you are worthy of the life you want.
Focus on who you need to be to attract what you want and watch the “to do’s” become beautifully irrelevant.
Thinking about where we are and the end result we want can be scary; focus on daily steps you can take to get closer to your goal, and be comfortable in the process.
Happiness is created from simple moments, like walking barefoot in the grass, enjoying a beautiful sunset, spending time with someone you love…do one thing each day that brings you happiness.
Instead of learning from our past, we repeat history with bad habits and limited thinking. Picture what you want and the future will become clear.
When you create stories about your past, ask yourself: do those stories empower my future?
You know what is best for you; you don’t need to justify your reasons to anyone.
You won’t find success until you define what that means for you!
Are you living your life on “autopilot” or have you taken control of the wheel and are now pointed where you want to go?
Manager is a title, managing people is a privilege. Treat it like one and watch your team engage.
Inaction and waiting are often a sign of avoidance; owning the avoidance will allow you uncover your truth and make progress.
In this world of constant noise we need to set aside time to quietly reconnect with our true selves. Do you have YOU on your calendar?
Your life experience is not based on where you are; it consists of the moments and hours that make up each and every day. You don’t have a minute to waste…NOW is the time.
It’s easy to get caught up in “doing” the job while forgetting about “being” a person who has the ability to shape your team, your office, your industry, and the world. BE.
Alignment happens with great clarity, not more technology or increased skill.
It’s easy to define what we want by what we don’t want…be careful because the opposite of what you don’t want often is NOT the answer to what you really want.
While “responding” may temporarily put out fires, intentional activity creates long-term results. Where do you spend your time?
People desire happiness but don’t define what it means to them and spend a lifetime searching for something that was within reach the whole time.
The logical mind is limited by current experience while intuition offers infinite possibilities. What do you listen to?
Nature is all-knowing and all-healing…what changes when we listen to nature not for what we should do but for what it can do?
Love IS unconditional: it is no longer love when you put a condition on it.
A system won’t flourish if you don’t feed it – how do you feed your systems? (your body, your mind, your team, your family)
Building your mental muscle happens with repetition, you won’t see results where you don’t put attention.
Living in abundance doesn’t mean having more, it means fully embracing all you have.
We cannot receive what we are not open to giving.
Your fear of the unknown keeps you unhappily content in your current situation – force yourself to get specific about your fear, you will discover the reality isn’t that scary.
We often soften uncomfortable situations, however it’s not until we own the pain that we create a higher standard for living.
You don’t get what you want; you attract the energy you put into the universe. If you don’t like what you are getting now, shift your energy to create a different tomorrow.
When you are in a alignment with your word (to yourself and others) results flow faster.
You can use your energy to stay frustrated by what you have or use it to focus on getting what you want – you decide!
Ask and you shall receive is the most underutilized personal trait available to everyone.
Look for a culture where it’s safe to make mistakes and then push yourself to make lots of them!
It’s important to know what you want short-term (this year) for greater clarity on long-term goals (next 5 years); we are taught to work backwards which leaves most overwhelmed and unfulfilled.
The challenge with a wave of energy is it implies an ultimate crash; focus instead on consistent momentum for long-term results.
What changes if you approach today with PLAYFUL MANIFESTATION? Try it on and let me know what happens!
Often we put off a decision and it’s made for us; embrace the outcome because sometimes forced clarity is exactly what we need.
Being a leader is not your title or how many direct reports you have; great leaders inspire everyone, at every level, to be and do their best, thereby creating a following.
As parents we unintentionally project our fears onto our children – imagine if we let them soar unafraid and learned from their example.
When you focus on resourcefulness, alternatives are abundant; most often not what you thought and far better than you could have imagined.
The greatest gift you can give your children is to let them discover their fears on their own…they may even find they are fearless.
While employees may question salary they are subconsciously evaluating “how much does this company value me?” Ironically most often value is not determined by money.
Changing your language around a person/situation opens your mind up to possibilities vastly different form your current experience – where in life could you benefit from a new perspective?
There are infinite possibilities and effortless joy when you are not wedded to one outcome.
Your children are watching, so be thoughtful about the fears and insecurities you share AND bountiful in the love and support you give.
What would change if you took ownership of every moment in your life? Try it on for a day and let me know how it goes.
Changing your mindset and language around a situation opens your mind to possibilities outside your current experience.
Most people focus on their big victories and yet every little success stacked is what we need to reach GREATNESS. Celebrate your small successes daily and watch them build into something GREAT!
A job trades time for money, while a career offers fulfillment of purpose. Are you working a job or living your purpose?
The word “need” comes from a place of lack. Instead decide who you MUST BE to accomplish what you want and then make it happen.
People talk about discipline as a reference to “doing” the right things, however true discipline is about “being” in the right mindset.
At a job you count your hours and in a career time flies. Which do you have: a job or career?
Are you preventing yourself from enjoying today because of a story you’ve created about your life? Remember you decide if validating your story is more important than being happy.
It’s easier to soften concern with reassuring statements; consider asking questions to get deeper understanding.
When we concede our perceptions are not the same as another’s, we can approach each other with curiosity and a desire to understand rather than a need to be right.
A mistake, misjudgment, or negative experience doesn’t define who we are unless we let it.
Generic questions result in generic answers; it’s “safe” to keep conversations generic but they won’t bring out the best in you or those being questioned.
You won’t find your future best-self constantly re-evaluating the missteps of your past.
It’s important to dig into your own beliefs and stories before judging or labeling someone else.
Most people push themselves “hard” for a short time then fall back to what is comfortable; instead build endurance slowly to create momentum and set a new standard of comfort.
Where there is trust, differences offer an opportunity for deeper understanding; where there is mistrust, difference create divide.
Stretch goals are meant to be uncomfortable, but not so unnatural they are unattainable.
When everything is a priority, nothing is a priority.
The quality of your conversations is dependent on your ability to hear what someone is saying, not in your skill to respond.
It’s easy to get caught up in the emotion of a situation; it’s helpful to ask if the situation is worthy of the level of emotion you are giving it?
Disagreement is often the result of losing each other in translation; what would change if you focused on translating rather than disagreeing?
Value is not found in the minutes spent, it’s found in the benefit provided.
Life is like ordering food in a restaurant; unless you specifically ask for what you want, you risk getting a life prepared to someone else’s tastes.
Resourcefulness isn’t coming up with a single solution, it’s a willingness to try on infinite options until you find the BEST solution.
“Conflict” will always exist…how you deal with it determines your experience.
The safest approach to working through delicate subjects is to focus on the future rather than re-evaluating the past.
Allowing others to abuse your time is not serving the client/customer/employer; it’s undervaluing yourself and the cost is high.
Building trust in relationships requires attention and care; how much attention you give it is often perceived as how much you care.
It’s easy to stack the negative, but it takes practice to stack the positive AND the daily/weekly practice of “positive stacking” builds confidence and increases fulfillment.
It’s SUMMER!! Kick off your shoes, walk through the grass and let nature nourish your soul.
“I don’t care what you do, I want to know how you show up in this world!” Try that introduction at your next networking event.
Owning and articulating your feelings to others subconsciously gives them permission to do the same; what would change in your relationships if you were totally honest about how you feel?
Be with people who appreciate you exactly the way you are or risk losing yourself in others’ perceptions of what you “should” be.
When you focus on what you truly desire infinite opportunities become available.
We are born naturally curious, at some point we are taught we “should know” and often as a result we stop growing. Stay curious!
Actions don’t lie, believe people when they SHOW you how they exist in the world.
This is YOUR time. Listen to YOUR heart. Do it YOUR way.
When your purpose and your mindset are in alignment abundance will follow.
Vision is our most underutilized gift because so many focus on only seeing what is in front of them.
Living in abundance isn’t about what you have, it’s about how you exist.
The best intentions are meaningless without action.
Focus on gratitude each day to increase happiness, resilience and build mental muscle.
Finding your purpose is not a final destination; your purpose is about growing into the person you are meant to be and contributing your gifts to the world your way.
Your past doesn’t define who you are today…unless you want it to. Choose who you want to be today.
What can you do right now to take the next step closer to your dream?
Being in alignment with your true self allows you to achieve more with less effort.
The more specific you are about what you want, the greater fulfillment you feel as you get closer to achieving your goal.
Instead of making judgments about someone, consider asking questions to gain a deeper understanding.
Achieving goals takes work, time and energy; stay consistent in your efforts to see faster results.
Frequently we don’t feel successful because we’ve never taken the time to define what that means to us.
Don’t keep trapped thinking that other people “need” you and neglect taking care of yourself. There is a huge cost for not replenishing your mind/body/soul.
Your brain filters on what it knows until you direct it differently; often we get more of what we have because we don’t take the time to articulate what we really want.
No matter how challenging a situation is, there are always options if you are willing to see them.
Your looks do not dictate who is in your life, your energy does. Focus on being your best self and see who comes into your world.
Are you proactive or reactive with your life? Decide on what you want, take steps to get it and watch your dreams come alive.
If you’re working just for the money, you’ll burn out. Find your passion and let it drive your success.
There is no “right” timeline for success. Find your rhythm and create your ideal life your way.
If all your efforts to find a new job aren’t working, maybe you are looking in the wrong direction.
What happens if you remove doubt and truly believe in yourself?
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but rather an invitation to allow others to give.
What is the very next thing you need to do to move closer to your goal? Do it!
What is your greatest talent? Are you sharing that with the world?
“It’s easy to get caught up in the “to-do” list and forget about the intended result – what is the result you want?”
“We get stuck when we say there are no options; remaining resourceful will open the door to infinite possibilities.”
“Happiness is…whatever you say it is…How do you define it?”
“Doing” brings you specific achievements; BEING guides you to personal and profession fulfillment AND a rich life experience.
Being aware of your language is the first step to being powerful with it.
Quality business relationships don’t start with a solicitation which is why cold call solicitations have the power to end them before they begin.
Learning happens not from receiving information but from implementing it; what did you learn today?
Entrepreneurial trap – asking how am I personally going to create more business instead of what does it take to build a business that creates business?
When we need a change, we frequently change our environment by taking a trip; a change in mindset is more often what you need.
The most effective way to show people you care is to ask questions about their day, what’s important to them, or how they feel.
Business often mimics the rate, level and type of the energy you exert. Are you happy with your business?
Stop “doing” life haphazardly by reacting; make a commitment to create a life experience that is intentional.
If you don’t focus on your ideal, you may get what you need, but you won’t get what you really want. Ask for what you want.
When entering a disagreement it’s important to remember there is no fight except the one you bring.
We ask generic questions looking for a specific answer; you must ask specific questions to get a specific answer.
You cannot afford to enter a new environment with an old mindset; what does it take to leave your baggage at the door?
We often judge someone’s inactivity based on our barometer for “active”; what happens when you appreciate their natural tendencies and how they show up in this world instead?
Management skills are not developed managing “great” employees, they are mastered by managing what appears to be mediocre employees to greatness.
Do not schedule your “to do” list; get specific about your end result and schedule intended actions to get you there faster.
See people for who they are, not for who you want them to be; their actions tell you their truth while your story keeps you expecting something different.
Generic goals cannot be measured and often create overwhelm; specific goals allow you to see regular progress and celebrate success along the way. Get specific!
Trust is established through consistent communication and on that foundation, great organizations are built.
With each position you hand down the fruits of your labor; you determine your legacy with your actions each day.
Who values what you do different in your industry? Instead of mass marketing, find more of them.
In business, staying in touch with people keeps you top of mind and consistency gets you clients.
Move intention into action while it’s still poignant.
It’s not about being at the right place at the right time, its about being in more places with your ideal client.
Negatively judging your behavior causes you to hold on to it; allow the behavior to flow through you so you can move on.
Guilt is often our way of proving we care when we think we’ve displeased others; since no one else feels it, the only real outcome is our stolen joy.
It will be difficult to stay committed to anything if you are not clear on your end result.
You don’t need to find a job, you need to follow a career path.
When a person complains about a situation they expect the person listening to know what they want from the complaint – skip the complaint and ask for what you want.
Don’t be wedded to the outcome; find the part of the process you enjoy and watch fulfillment come as a result of your momentum.
People don’t want to be told what to do, so ask self-discovering questions that open them up to your ideas. A mind expanded can never go back.
You can do all you can to prepare AND you still won’t be prepared for the unknown. Settle in with the unknown; it’s the only thing you know will happen.
Playing it safe may have gotten you to this point, but growth is the only way to get to the next level. What are you doing to grow today?
Reflect before you act; What does it take for your response to improve the situation?
Instead of forcing new behaviors, be intentional and consistent about what you do naturally well.
It’s not your job to please other people…it can’t be; the cost to your energy and your happiness is too high.
When tempted to make a statement of fact to prove your point, turn it into a question and see what happens.
Reap the rewards of living in alignment – it’s more valuable than money and allows for great abundance.
What changes when the goal of interviewing isn’t to get the job but to figure out if it’s a match?
Listen with every fiber of your being so you can hear the real message being shared.
Complaining may release your emotions, but it never solves the situation. Ask for the resolution you want!
You determine your legacy with your actions each day.
You cannot be your best self with your family when you are distracted by work, and you cannot be your best at work if you aren’t taking time to be with friends and family.
Doing meaningful work allows you to make a difference, but the power of impact is diminished when you aren’t taking time off to replenish.
“What changes in your situation when you move from resistance to acceptance? “
“What does it take to showcase your value when competition has never been greater and the white noise louder? Do that!”
“The momentum necessary for massive success requires committed and consistent energy.”
When looking for a new job, be yourself. If they don’t want who you are, that’s not where you belong.
When fear is your predominant emotion, you repel what you want and attract more of what you fear.
The filter you use to be “polite” prevents you from standing in your truth – being honest doesn’t have to be rude unless you present it that way.
Your memory of the year will look different in hindsight; even a rear-view mirror warns you of distortion; reflect on your days and weeks as they happen so you can grow from your experience.
Purposeful parenting is a commitment to communication, standards and consistency
People search for the “right” way to do things; once you remove the judgment of there being a right or wrong way you create an experience that is ideal for you.
Most people mistake being a good listener for support; listening to constant complaining reinforces the complaint; true support helps the person move forward. How are you showing your support?
Purposeful existence is creating a life experience that is consistent with what you say you want.
“Feelings (guilt, stress, sad, insecure, free, energetic, happy, confident) can be as addictive as cocaine – what feelings are you addicted to? “
“Take time to experience the moment – close your eyes, take in the smells, hear the sounds and appreciate the present.”
“Seeing life through the eyes of child can help uncover a positive perspective; what in your world could use a new view?”
“Confidence isn’t about making the “right” decision; it’s knowing yourself well enough to own the decision regardless of whether it’s perceived as “right” or “wrong” by others.”
“There are lots of options available when you are willing to consider them.”
Backing away from those who don’t embrace your values isn’t about relinquishing your beliefs; it’s about conserving energy for those who do embrace them.
Guilt is the burden we place on ourselves when do what we want instead of what we think we “should” do. Stop “should’ing”, own your choice, and be in the moment.
Working hard is an admirable characteristic until you’re feeling burnt-out; make the result more important than the amount of effort you put in to it and benefit from working smarter instead of harder.
Being committed to your job does not mean you allow your time to be abused by others.
Find friends who grow your mind.
Feelings come and go every 30 seconds…any feeling you hold onto longer than that is your choice.
What if your most important question of the day was “what can I do to maximize my energy today?”
“When making it “unique” for each client prevents you from reaching all of your clients, you are costing yourself business – “consistency” trumps “unique” every time.”
“When everything is important, nothing is important. Priorities require choice.”
“Your self worth is determined by the integrity you have with your word to yourself.”
“Many people search for direction on systems, structure, focus and discipline when purpose, clarity, energy and momentum are the best compass.”
Marketing is mostly positioned as “buy me, buy me” instead of “I intend to show you I provide so much value you choose me over the competition.”
“It’s not about being at the right place at the right time, it’s about finding the right people and being with them more often. “
“Often our fear about financial lack is the energy repelling the abundance we deserve.”
“Fulfillment is found in commitment – what are you committed to? “
“We don’t forgive because it makes a difference to someone else, we forgive to free ourselves.”
If you don’t stay true to you no one else will.
It’s easy to get caught up in “busy-ness” — what would change if you put business building before your daily “ to do” list?
Often in small business we spend more time and money looking to acquire strangers than we do taking care of our raving fans. How much is that habit costing your business?
“If we gave everyone the gift of confidence the world would be a different place. “
“I need to learn more” is often a justification for inaction; what can you do today with what you already know?
“When you are intentional your results come faster and easier.”
“It is easy to take a stand and often hard to follow-through with the stance.”
“Approach and tone often determine conversation or confrontation – you get to decide.”
When we are unsatisfied with today, our memory of the past becomes sweeter than when we were there. Live for today and make it better than any memory can create of your past.
“If you don’t know where to start you are looking too far forward. Start by asking what will it take to get started? What is the very next thing I need to do?”
“Engineer the life of your dreams and watch the universe conspire to make your dreams come true.”
“You can’t create abundance if you are always playing catch up from the past. Start new today!”
“How would accepting others unconditionally change the way you communicate with them?”
“Do you truly need something…or do you just want it?”
“If your only purpose in life was to feel happy, what would you do differently?”
“The greatest gift you can give another is your presence.”
“Acceptance of others allows you to come from appreciation instead of difference.”
“To live a full life, we must strive to always learn, grow and advance our thinking.”
“If you had to pick a word to live by for the day what would it be? Love? Kindness? Gratitude?”
“Don’t let emotional issues create physical conditions that make you unhealthy. Address your emotional issues and live freely!”
“The two most powerful words in the English language are I AM. The words that follow are your identity–think wisely about what words you use.”
“Being hard on yourself and judging yourself only keeps you stuck where you are. Keep taking steps to move forward and build the life you want.”
“Decide in this moment that you will approach everything and everyone in your life with curiosity and love. Try it for a month and see what happens.”
“You get to choose your experience here on earth, so why not choose to be happy?”
“Don’t work just for money; know that true wealth comes from having a passion and feeling abundant.”
“If you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself “what would it take for me to move forward?” That question will set you free!”
“Comparing yourself to others only leads to unhappiness–understand that your journey is uniquely yours to embrace.”
“Lacking clarity in your goals can cause you to be distracted by other people’s demands on your time. Stay focused and watch those distractions fall aside.”
“Learn to love yourself and live joyously!”
“What would you do today if you knew there was no tomorrow?”
“Make sure you take care of your needs first, so you can give your best to others.”
“Who do you need to be to attract the things you want in life? Be that person and watch everything fall into place!”
“Focus on what small steps can you take today that will move you closer to your goals…and watch your progress blossom.”
“What made you happiest today? Repeat that tomorrow and the next day and the next…that is how you create daily happiness!”
“We spend too much time trying to find the “perfect” gift…decide to give of your time and give from your heart. Those are the gifts that are cherished.”
“What actions can you take today that will put you on the path to create financial freedom for yourself tomorrow?”
“Too often we think of our occupation as our life’s work; but really our life’s work is how we show up each day.”
At Thanksgiving time, my thoughts turn gratefully to the clients who bring joy to my work, and friends and family who bless my world. Each year we help prepare meals for those who are alone or “shut in,” an important reminder to be grateful for the special people in our lives. Thank you for making this past year so wonderful. I look forward to new opportunities and experiences in 2018.
“Are you being “busy” and not producing results? Or are you focusing your time on intended actions? Remember, we all have 24 hours in every day; it’s how you use those hours that will determine your success.”
“Since no one succeeds alone, who do you have to call to inspire your next great success?”
“If you feel stuck – personally, professionally, financially, spiritually – what belief do you have to release to get to the next level? “
“Words hurt when we believe them or give more value to the person saying them than we give to ourselves.”
“Change is inevitable and yet often difficult – find peace in the steadiness you have during times of transition.”
“Most people focus on the fear of not having money instead of living in the abundance of it. Since you get more of what you focus on, it may be time to change your perspective.”
“Funding your life may be the exact thing preventing you from living it.”
“Creating success in spite of what you are up against at work and complaining about it is the perfect time to find a new job.”
“It is impossible to reason with an irrational person, so step away before your response resembles his/her behavior. “
“Time and words, once used can never be taken back. The average person uses 15K words per day; do you consider your words as carefully as you schedule your time?”
“You may have the same job as someone else but your approach is the special recipe that makes you unique.”
“Sometimes a 2mm shift in thinking is all you need to open a world of possibilities. What is one area of life that could use a shift today?”
“Age is only an issue on the job if you stopped growing or learning new skills after a certain age. “
“You have lots of options; stop acting like you don’t! “
“Will the things you do each day get you to your goals faster? If not, change your activities TODAY!”
“Start each day with how you intend to feel instead of a list of things to do and everyday you will find success.”
“What you don’t do is as important as what you get done each week. Once you understand why you are drawn to complete some tasks and not others you will learn to love the tasks left undone!”
“Feeling lonely when surrounded by people is a choice – it takes two to create an interaction.”
“Be yourself and inspire others to be authentic; that is a gift we can always give one another.”
“Accepting others doesn’t mean taking on their story.”
“Live your life fully by living in your truth and fill your “book of life” with your success stories.”
“Contentment is gratitude for what you have.”
“When someone has an issue with you, realize that is the result of their interpretation of you and not necessarily what’s really happening.”
“Inspiration is internal and within your control – take your power back by finding your inspiration to establish long-term sustainable success.”
“Being busy doesn’t produce results – focused, intended action does.”
“Start your day with focused joy; journal, offer daily gratitude, listen to music, meditate, or read; and watch your happiness increase.”
In our effort to make it “perfect” we get caught up in the details and slow down momentum; make progress over perfection your priority to gain real traction.
When you come from lack you will take whatever business comes your way and make it fit; when you live in abundance you only accept business that fits perfectly.
When use all your energy putting out fires there is nothing left to create your ideal life. What is it costing you, your business, and your family to react instead of create?
It is hard to gain momentum when you are living according to someone else’s plan. Honor the resistance by creating your plan so you can experience your own flow.
Our brain’s job is to keep us safe and comfortable which is why most people feel conflict around change; owning the discomfort is the first step to finding peace during uncertainty.
The loudest people don’t necessarily represent the majority opinion; be conscious of who you give your attention to.
To open the door to infinite success, wealth and happiness, you need to know who you are and understand what motivates you.
People claim they want more time, but don’t make the focused decisions necessary to gain the time they say they want.
Your words and intentions are meaningless, your actions show the world your priorities.
Life is not a means to an end…don’t settle for a job that is.
Work/life balance is not something to be achieved, it’s each small decision you make during the day indicating your priorities.
Saying no to doing things you don’t enjoy conserves energy for giving 100% to the things you love.
The only thing holding you back from your ideal life experience is the story you tell yourself about what it takes to achieve it.
If someone says “no” to you, understand that is is not against you but for them.
You cannot improve what you do not monitor and measure.
Your strength is not determined by the amount of burden you carry, but by your ability to decipher and take on only the burdens within your control.
You can’t change the world and fit in to it simultaneously – celebrate and encourage those who dare to stand out.
By focusing on your RESULT instead of what you think you need to do to reach it, you become resourceful in finding ways achieve it faster.
What is the outcome you want for today? You won’t find fulfillment without knowing the outcome you want.
Since energy creates momentum how you do your work is as important as what you do. Are you putting out the type of energy you want returned?
Since we teach people how to treat us, it’s important to look at our relationships and ask “what am I willing to tolerate?”
When our actions don’t support our goals it’s time (re)evaluate our commitment to what we say we want.
What would change if you didn’t make a single statement today but instead turned every sentence into a question?
It is human nature to overestimate what we know and underestimate what we don’t know; go into every situation with curiosity to see what can be learned.
It’s easy to get caught up in the daily “to do” list and forget about the legacy you want to leave – true impact can not be checked off a list.
Although we introduce ourselves by what we do, we are judged by how we show up.
The work will never be “done” so you have to decide when to end your day to create your ideal life experience.
In tense situations, choose to be the one who softens so others know the relationship is more important than making your point.
Leadership isn’t controlling others so they do what you want, it’s helping others discover what they want so together everyone achieves more.
Others may not grow at your pace; don’t try to teach them to grow; show them the benefits of growth by being the example.
Personal growth often creates distance in relationships – an ever-widening gap is a sign it’s time for new relationships.
Time is a matter of perspective; be specific about your time frame or forever be frustrated trying to guess someone else’s.
You need to see how your work effects everyone around you; otherwise individuals end up functioning in isolated silos creating mass dysfunction.
Progress and success are dependent on how clearly you define your result.
We make powerful decisions only to feel guilty about it later; you must own your decision to feel guilt before you can stop the feeling at anytime.
You don’t have to sacrifice today’s experience for tomorrow’s dreams.
Tasks keep you busy but they don’t guarantee you will reach your result – get clarity on what you really want.
Happiness is not something to be achieved, it is a decision about the way you view your world.
Recharging isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. You aren’t leading others to be their best if you aren’t taking time to recharge so you can be your best.
When hiring you are looking for a contributor to your culture, not an employee.
Trust is the biggest issue in relationships – what does it take to gain and lose your trust? Unless you let others know, you lack the foundation of a solid relationship.
Live a life where vacation is merely a change in geography.
Most people avoid heated situations; instead take the heat because heat rises and you’re headed for the top.
Your past (relationships, situations) doesn’t have to impact how you respond today unless you want it to – it is your choice.
Intentions are meaningless without action, what we do (or don’t do) today is our truth.
You don’t have to be serious to be taken seriously. Add a dose of fun to your everyday!
We ask questions but are we listening to the answer? Hear beyond the words, the answer is often in the silence between them.
Your DREAMS – Your DOUBTS = Your REALITY. Being “realistic” is no longer a legitimate excuse for delaying your dreams.
Dreams can hide behind a cloud of waiting; clouds drift with the wind…so blow off the the fear and take one small step closer to your dreams.
When you are in alignment with your natural self you will discover you “do” less and achieve more.
It’s time to live what you say and be what you say you live.
Fulfillment is found in the specifics; the more specific you are about what you want, the greater fulfillment you feel as you get closer to achieving your goal.
In business and in life finding the right partner is imperative. No one creates greatness alone.
It’s impossible to feel stuck when all options are on the table – you don’t have to like the options but it’s important to know they exist.
Having standards doesn’t limit opportunity it establishes a point of entry – don’t let anyone change your standards.
While you always need more, you will never have enough, and living in lack is exhausting.
The financial peace you are looking for doesn’t come with more money.
Sometimes there is hesitation to commit to a plan, it’s important to know the plan can change but you need a plan for right now to see progress.
The right person is attracted to your energy regardless of your weight, your occupation, or any other perceived limitation. Be open and see who you captivate.
You don’t have to prove that you are strong by being alone; real strength is found in sharing yourself with others.
Understanding the behavioral tendencies of your ideal employee is the key to engagement, retention and job fulfillment.
It’s as important to be a good follower as it is to be a good leader.
Many people look for a purpose like it’s a destination; understanding purpose is about growing into the person you are meant to be and contributing to the world your way with no final stop or arrival time.
Always move towards the direction of love. mv team
It’s easy to miss the beauty of today while chasing success for tomorrow. Enjoy your life experience and success will find you.
You can’t be blessed and depressed at the same time. Find blessings in each day to build the mental muscle of strength and resilience.
Regret or anger can make you bitter and hard; stay soft and loving. ~ mv team
You will attract into your life who you want by being what you want.
Have you designed your life or merely responded to what circumstances brought you? Engineer the life of your dreams and watch the universe conspire in your favor.
Judging yourself keeps you “stuck” but you are not meant to be small. What changes when you believe you are more than you ever believed?
At the end of life, all that really matters is did you live truly and with love in your heart? ~ mv team
Be careful about creating an identity around others – spouses, kids, parents, friends – when they go, so will your sense of self.
Working for money (a means to an end) requires willpower which eventually wears out, so don’t be disheartened if you do to.
Trying to keep up with the masses only gets you lost in the crowd. Set your pace. Create your future your way.
What is your favorite personal characteristic? How will you share that with the world today?
It’s easy to get caught up in the “to do” list and forget about the intended result – what is the result you want?
What happens when you remove the story of doubt from your challenges? What can you do then?
I prefer workafrolic over workaholic – create time to play during every day.
Time is NOT your enemy – your habits are the unworthy opponent that steals time.
“When you are given a chance to build bridges, do it.” mv – lmt team
Forced effort – at work or in relationships – is not sustainable. If it’s not in alignment from the beginning it never will be.
We want to be loved unconditionally but often have unintentional conditions for other people’s love – what subconscious rule(s) do you have for feeling loved?
Happiness is…whatever you say it is…how do you define it?
“Laugh, smile and throw seeds of joy throughout your journey through life.” mv – lmt team
At the root of the most meaningful conversations is a really great question – what would you ask?
Owning our anger is a strength that allows us to stand in our truth – how we express that anger influences others ability to hear it.
We get stuck when we tell ourselves there are no options but remaining resourceful will open the door for infinite possibilities. Which do you choose?
Asking for help doesn’t mean you can’t do it, it means you’re offering someone else the gift of giving.
Overconfidence often prevents us from seeing the worst; you can’t avoid what you never saw.
There is no expiration date on gratitude – thank someone who has help you in the past. It will brighten their today.
Don’t try to dig yourself out of a hole, grab a ladder and climb out so you can fill it from the top.
It’s impossible to connect with others when we are distracted by technology. No one dies wishing for more technology.
Only in silence can we connect with our true self. Give your self the gift of connection.
It’s easy to see the gift in others, what is the gift you bring to the world?
Almost half way through the calendar year – do your actions match your goals?
A mental plan is not a plan – you must write it down to accurately monitor and measure success.
Success (and failure) leaves clues but don’t expect to copy – your behavior is meant to lead you to your own unique experience.
Being open-minded is more than hearing another perspective, it’s respectfully listening and engaging in a different way of thinking.
When everyone is a priority no one is a priority. Who you spend time with let’s others know where they fall among your priorities.
Don’t adapt your behavior to fit it, adjust your language to create connections so others hear you.
People can not live up to your standard until you clearly define it and share it.
We tend to focus on differences and yet it’s not until we see similarities that we find peace.
Executives are hesitant to delegate for fear of losing control, ironically control exists in how we act not in a given outcome.
Fitting in is often a desire to be similar to those around you…belonging is the gift of being accepted exactly as you are.
People often fear giving up control; when the only thing we control is our mindset about it.
In business and in life you must ask for what you need…you won’t get it otherwise.
You have to think about the big picture to live a big life otherwise you stay small and in the minutia.
Great leadership – “be prepared to reach your goals this year because they matter as much to me as they do to you.”
Success is finding your daily joy and build momentum from there.
Control is something you strive to keep (and never really have), steadiness is a feeling you create within – go for steady!
If it all ended tomorrow, would today be a happy ending? Today matters more than tomorrow.
Life isn’t a project you do, it’s the experience you have.
Distraction keeps you safe and prevents you from reaching your true result.
You can be a boss or a leader, the difference lies in the depth of your conversations.
Looking at how it won’t work is the first step to clarifying what you want – start there.
The fastest way to unmet expectations is to not vocalization them.
A preoccupation with others distracts us from our goals; we can’t be 100% focused on our result looking over someone else’s shoulder.
Growth is not a destination but a continuous journey.
May soloprenuers do a great business by accident. What would change if you were intentional?
Words do not clarify purpose, actions do. Look at your actions to see your purpose.
Instinctively most people know their purpose however it’s easy to forget when day to day actions don’t support it.
There is no shame in wanting to be with people better than you unless you are shaming the people you view not as good as you.
Freedom comes when you are no longer working for money but instead working for the experience money gives you.
What is the characteristic that gets you what you want? Use that more often.
We are taught to work on weaknesses, instead find ways to focus on your strengths and see what happens.
Others will fall short of unspoken expectations and yet they tend to rise to established standards.
Being the example you want in a relationship the fastest way to get the relationship you want.
The key to happiness is spending our time experiencing life with what money gives us.
Being right doesn’t always mean proving someone wrong, sometimes it’s simply getting what you want.
Intention is powerful however real opportunities are created by real action.
Everyone likes to give advice, be cautious of those who preach but don’t live their own word.
Think less and BE more…many are so busy thinking about their purpose they miss out on experiencing the gift of who they are.
Go as small as you can go so you can see progress
The next step doesn’t equal forever – put one foot in front of the other and GO!
While you compare your success to others, you based on other people’s behavioral style you will always set yourself up for failure.
When happiness is based on feelings (which come and go every 30-seconds) life can feel like a rollercoaster – get off that ride.
If you don’t celebrate progress along the way, the destination feels beyond reach.
Understanding your strengths allows you to focus on intention instead of being preoccupied with weaknesses and the energy drain of lack.
BE you instead of you focusing on what you think you should be.
Life is wasted on regret if you wanted change BE beyond your behavior yesterday.
Worrying what others think prevents you from focusing on and creating what you want.
Show up differently to experience a different energy from those around you.
Fill yourself up so that you may overflow the best of you to others.
Young people don’t die of physical conditions they die of emotional conditions that create physical complications. Decide to live!
Knowing who you are and understanding what motivates your decision making process opens opportunities to infinite success, wealth and happiness.
Know with confidence it is never you – someone’s issue with you is always a result of their interpretation of you which means it’s always them.
Know with confidence it is never you – someone’s issue with you is always a result of their interpretation of you which means it’s always them.
In business hustle is required, struggle is a choice. Purposeful action will easily create the results you desire.
It’s difficult to assess a situation when you are in it. Step above so you can see the patterns, notice the distinctions and learn from them.
We tend to be more clear about what we don’t want and we get more of it. Ask for what you want. Be clear. Your mind has two jobs – to answer your questions and prove you right. It will get you what you ask for either way.
The distinction of an artist lies in the details. The art of being specific allows you to paint the life you’ve always dreamed. The alternative is a blank canvas left to the whim of someone else’s brush. Color your world!
How do you define success? You won’t find it until you define it.
“Integrity is standing in your truth about who you are, how you spend your time and who you spent your time with.”
Your beliefs, your thoughts, your energy extend far beyond your reach. They are carried into the universe by your children, technology and all of the lives you touch. You are not one, we are all one.
People often say “I’m cruising through life on autopilot,” autopilot may work short term but if you don’t take back control of the wheel you will eventually run out of gas or crash and burn.
STOP getting ready to get ready and take action already! What is one action you will take today toward achieving your intended desired outcome?
Fear in its truest sense is clear and present danger…everything else is your imagination (a.k.a. False Evidence Appearing Real). Unless you are in a fight or flight situation, is there really anything to be afraid of?
Progress creates hope. Don’t try to go from where you are to the end result. Go from where you are to the next step. Where do you want to make progress today?
Optimism is an essential means of evaluating the world knowing there is hope for change and access to opportunity. Pessimism often chosen under the guise of “reality” is a sense of helplessness known to lead to depression. Both are learned. Who is your teacher?
What would change if instead of reacting you approached every situation with curiosity and asked “what can we do”?
What is your ideal…relationship, job, family situation? Everyone has an ideal yet few articulate it and then wonder why they are not happy, satisfied or fulfilled. State your ideal, share it with the world and see what happens!
Passion pays the bills if you focus on it, create a plan and take massive action. Settling for anything less may put money in your pocket today but won’t pay off long-term.
Here implies physical location while being present indicates directed attention. You can be here and not present but not present without being here. Are you here or present?
What would happen if you believed EVERYONE came to every situation from a place of good intentions? How would it change your response? How would it change the interaction? Try it and see!
I can but I don’t is not an excuse, it’s a sign. Look at what you are avoiding. Instead of forcing yourself and wasting energy, be resourceful find another way.
In the US we have the right to free speech; if you don’t express yourself at work, at home, or with your friends it’s your choice. Own your choice.
When we judge others we are saying our way of looking at things is the “right” way. What opportunities to grow and learn do we miss when our “right way” is the only way we see?
Often people say “I used to…” and finish it with some habit, activity, lifestyle they feel they can no longer live up to. Does that lifestyle fit today? For most it’s no so why live in the past; instead declare what fits now and what you will do today!
Do you track your magic moments during the week? Start evaluating your success by the number of magic moments you have instead of the numbers on a spreadsheet and your results are guaranteed to be bigger and arrive faster.
Do you design and build your life or do you respond and let life happen to you? Engineer the life of your dreams and watch the universe conspire in your favor.
If you had to pick a word to live by for the day what would it be? How would that word change your perception about your work, your family and your life. Give it try and see what happens.
What you don’t do is as important as what you get done each week. Once you understand why you are drawn to complete some tasks and not others you will learn to love the tasks left undone!
Life is perfect when you know you are exactly where you are meant to be regardless of how you arrived there.
Your life is already filled with greatness. We don’t see it because we are busy comparing. Decided to see MORE often!
When you don’t have your own plan, other people will have plans for you.
When you stop obsessing over what to do, you can focus on who to be.
What disempowering questions are holding you back from what you truly want? Ask better questions, get better answers.
We intuitively know what is right for us and we question it because we hear it is not right for others. Trust your intuition, it is your soul’s only way to navigate through this world of information overload.
Money is a byproduct of the energetic vibration we give out which is then used for other things. Money problems? Change your energy, change your finances.
‘Thanksgivings’ were regularly celebrated by New England colonists as a way to thank God for their blessings. Practice being thankful today and throughout the year. Happy Thanksgiving!
Gratitude is shown in different ways and has the power to alter a conversation, transform a day and change a life – your life. How do you show your gratitude?
Shifts happen when we focus on what we want instead of where were are.
Remember your limiting beliefs about what is possible or is not possible is based on your model of the world and are simply your beliefs. Be careful not to pass them to others as absolute truth.
It’s important to measure success by your progress from the day before not distance remaining to your result.
A cluttered mind gets stuck in today, a clear mind can create a compelling future for tomorrow. What do you have to do to clear your mind today?
Mindset isn’t about being positive or happy; it’s about staying resourceful. Focus on the possibilities of any given situation and you are on your way to mastering your mindset.
Memories are the story we create about our past, the meaning you give your past has a huge impact on your future. Does the way you remember your life help you create an empowering future?
Remember your limiting beliefs about what is possible or is not possible is based on your model of the world and are simply your beliefs. Be careful not to pass them to others as absolute truth.
What can you do today to make it (and everyday) a day to celebrate?
A cluttered mind gets stuck in today, a clear mind can create a compelling future for tomorrow. What do you have to do to clear your mind today?
Our internal compass knows the way, it’s when we accept the interference of outside vibrations we are misdirected.
A job exchanges time for money, a career offers fulfillment for a lifetime. Are you working a job or living your ideal career?
Have you ever caught yourself judging others? Judging yourself? Judging cripples while kindness cures…focus on kind thoughts to yourself and kind gestures to others. Kindness is the cure!
Stacking evidence will validate your feelings in a negative situation but does allow you to create the experience you want? If not, decide what you want and stack from there.
We qualify what we want by where we are…if your dreams have to go through a qualifying round they will often lose and never become reality.
In our search for recognition we wait for the “big one” – the big break, the big idea, the big payout – and ignore the gift of all the small wins along the way. Celebrate the small wins, when stacked they are the “big one” called life.
Most decisions are decided by your heart in 11 seconds, the rest of the time is spent looking for validation of that decision. Trust your heart. Decide.
As thinking creatures we are often in our head instead of in the moment. How many precious moments have you missed because you were thinking instead of living?
“I tried” is a softener we use when we aren’t 100% committed to our result. Try to pick up your pencil. You can’t. You either pick it up or you don’t. Same is true with everything else in your life. Stop trying – JUST DO IT!
Laughter is the body’s way to release joy. How much joy do you let free into the universe?
We often look for the big victories and yet every little success stacked is what we need to reach GREATNESS. Start little and watch it grow into GREAT!
True communication starts with another person’s first word not your first response to someone else’s words.
How you start your day will determine how you live your day; protect yourself from “the stuff” that happens around you by putting on your Daily Armor – journal, offer daily gratitude, listen to music, meditate, or read – whatever it takes to start your day off right.
Clients have told me they are to busy to create a plan and yet without one you are left to respond to other people’s demands. You find you have plenty of time when your life is on purpose.
FEAR, false evidence appearing real, is your imagination at work against you. What could you imagine if you weren’t afraid?
Your brain filters based on your thoughts – are you thinking anything is possible or nothing is possible? You will see what you believe.
Self-development isn’t about what you read or learn, it’s about what you apply.
Your power comes from knowing your value is not based on external approvals – the person whose opinion of you matters most is your own. So what do YOU think?
68% of the working population is disengaged at work which means the quality of the competition in your ideal career is low – GO GET IT!
You can feel happy or be happy. Feeling happy is fleeting and dependent on external circumstance; being happy is an internal state of mind – you decide.
We often mistake tasks for results – tasks are what we do, results are what we achieve at the end of what we do.
You have to find the light within before you can shine bright for all the world to see.
Doing is easier than being. Doing allows you to carelessly move from one task to another. Being is sitting with yourself completely vulnerable and open to connection. You always get what you put in.
Your answer is the key to improving relationships, experiencing success and finding fulfillment.
If you feel alone it’s because you are…surrounded by people or in an empty space…you are alone in your head. What you do there determines how you interpret your world.
Your value is not determined by other’s love and acceptance of you – those who truly love you see your value and accept you exactly as you are.
Darkness covers, light attracts and sparkle shines. Add a little sparkle and see what opportunities shine through for you.
There are lots of tools to help you achieve your goals but if you aren’t clear on what you want you will be educated but remain unfulfilled.
Forget time management and focus on time behavior – how do you behave during the time you have?
Softening language to spare another’s feelings often results in lying to them and ourselves.
Trust is not conditional – once broken it is difficult (often impossible) to repair.
Until your final breath each “end” is merely the beginning of something new.
Believing in miracles is the first step to receiving them.
Balance is a mindset, waiting for all things to be equal is the fastest way to fall.
Entrepreneurial BLISS is Business Longevity through Intentional Scalable Systems. Do you have BLISS?
Since most people don’t define success they live on the brink of failure. If you don’t define it, you will never know when you reach it.
Many hold on to a strong identity that doesn’t serve them – carefully use the words that follow “I am…” You become how you see yourself.
We are often disappointed when we get what we want but don’t like the way we got it. Be grateful for progress regardless of how it’s initiated.
It is dangerous to compare yourself to others when behavioral differences (among other factors) prevent you from being the same.
We want to be happy but often haven’t defined what makes us happy. Happiness as a lifestyle isn’t felt, it is created.
We don’t need to know HOW to reach our stretch goals, we need to be courageously committed to doing whatever it takes to reach them.
To be agreeable we allow situations we wouldn’t choose for ourselves, what begins as a courteous gesture can turn into a lifetime of adaptation – don’t adapt, your truth is beautifully you.
Life can feel like a rollercoaster with ups and downs or a ferris wheel going around in circles, either way you’re on the ride until you decide to get off.
Adapting requires willpower, like a battery willpower runs out if not recharged. How much of your life is spent with a depleted battery?
We misstate feelings for identity – I am stupid vs. I feel stupid. Feelings come and go every 30 seconds, identity is forever.
Ask for what you want in detail or leave the result of your request open for interpretation.
The challenge tends to be more exciting than the reward. It’s important to ask yourself what is on the other side of the challenge?
When negative emotions become a habit we go to them for validation. What emotions are you holding on to that no longer serve you?
Find success in your everyday and you will discover fulfillment for a lifetime.
What changes when you believe you are the cause to every effect in your life? Stop responding and create the effect you want in your life.
Annual goals are met when daily and weekly activity are focused toward those goals. What are you doing today?
Tools (technology, apps, devices) don’t create success, a consistant plan driven by strong purpose does. Accomplish more with less.
What is the experience you want this week? Decide in advance to create what you want instead of responding to what happens.
Love isn’t defined by what you receive, it is multiplied by what you give without expectation from where it is returned.
We’re so busying thinking about the past or planning for the future we miss out on today’s experience. Think less and be more.
We worry what others say about us while we criticize ourselves to the point of mental suicide. Stop killing yourself from the inside out.
Attention Entrepreneurs – being irreplaceable doesn’t make your work special, it makes you a worker instead of a business owner.
We work to get ahead and dismiss exploring our natural desires; ironically the greatest return comes when we are most natural.
The reason people don’t change is fear of the effort it takes to make the change. Small steps stacked each day is the key to change today!
Opportunities don’t happen because you think/hope/believe they will, they happen when you take real action toward your goals.
Do you turn to others for advice? Beware of listening to the fears and limiting beliefs of those barely living their own lives.
It’s easy to appreciate certain traits seen as “good” forgetting each behavior at it’s extreme is a detriment, neither good or bad – extreme.
How we “should be” is never a product of internal reflection and always the result of external comparison. The answer is always within.
It feels safer to share our fear before our passion; people tend to sympathize with fear and question passion. Do you sympathize or question?
We all require different emotional nourishment – what you feed yourself is not always enough to nourish others.
Being heard isn’t about agreeing, it’s about acknowledging someone else’s perspective. Where would it benefit you to hear another perspective?
Defending your position does not articulate your message it shuts down communication – send instead of defend!
You can’t expect others to change, you must be the change you want in your own life. You get one chance to BE YOU!
When faced with unwanted changed we tend to imagine the worst – if the worst is a possibility so is the best. Which will you imagine?
Success today does not guarantee success tomorrow, what are you doing to monitor and measure success so you can adjust for tomorrow?
Testing someone’s actions by expecting a specific response inevitably leaves one party misunderstood and everyone disappointed.
Being defensive is often an indication of a hurt. Seek first to understand the hurt before you respond to the defensiveness.
When you feel overworked and unappreciated, it’s time to leave. Staying may be comfortable short-term but long-term harms you everyday.
Skills may qualify you for a job but attitude determines if you’re a fit for a company. Check your attitude at the door – does it fit?
Life is better with you in it – magic words for colleagues, friends, and family. Who makes your life better? When was the last time you let them know?
Losers focus on the loss, learners focus on how they need to show up differently next time. Are you a loser or learner?
Most people use their imagination to consider the worst, meanwhile that same energy can be used to imagine your ideal. Which way do you go?
Fear of the unknown prevents change and yet the known is holding you back from your ideal.
Most people want to be good at everything, for those looking to be outstanding remember there are no well-rounded experts.
Fitting in is overrated; after all you can’t fit in and be exceptional at the same time.
The great divide among people will continue as long as we judge our differences instead of celebrating what makes us each unique.
When we stop focusing on strengths and weaknesses and instead focus on natural and unnatural we stop wasting energy on what is not natural.
Building a team isn’t about hiring the right skills it’s about hiring the right attitude. Attitude IS everything!
We are so busy looking back trying to figure out “why,” we are wasting our opportunity to ask “what next” and live fully today.
What changes when you base success on how you show up instead of whether you “win”? (Hint: You “win” every time.)
Learning to decommit from people and circumstances that don’t serve us is as important committing 100% to those that do.
Conditional leadership is giving authority and taking it back – true leadership is supporting others to the level of authority given.
Keeping your word is as much a commitment to yourself as it is a commitment to those around you. What does your word mean to you?
Often we judge; what changes when instead we ask, what can I do to bring out the best in this situation and the people involved?
People aren’t truthful because you ask them to be, they are truthful because you create the space for them to feel safe to share their truth
If you don’t know where to start or you’re feeling overwhelmed you are looking too far forward. Success is found in progress not finishing.
When you focus on who you need to be to attract what you want the “to do” list becomes beautifully irrelevant.
Creating an identity dependent on external factors – being someone’s wife or mother, working for a particular company or occupation – is no longer you.
We say yes to a lot out of obligation. The energy required to fulfill an obligation leaves us too tired to do the activities that feed our souls. Just say NO!
If we continue through life looking in the rearview mirror we will miss all the opportunity that lies ahead AND we will repeat history because we always get more of what we focus on.
People stay too long in a job or relationship because they have invested considerable time – time does not equal value. How do you measure?
Don’t mistake your truth for fact – your truth is filtered by your model of the world while facts are data without interpretation.
For most people commitment isn’t instantaneous, it grows with consistent action. Take small steps each day to create commitment over time.
The start of anything will determine the outcome of everything. Pay attention to how you start your day, meetings, week, even family meals.
Get out of any relationship that prevents you from being your best self. The longer you are lost, the harder it will be to find yourself.
For those who are used to giving, it is important to learn to accept from those who give to you. Pushing it away will stop the flow.
Living in abundance is helpful when things are going well, it is necessary when you doubt there is enough. What are you doing to practice daily abundance?
Our brain’s way of protecting us is to imagine the worst, however staying in that mindset prevents us from discovering our best.
The real message lies in the silence between the words. Are you hearing the message?
Faith is the foundation when you don’t have the answers.
Where there is possibility there is creativity, resourcefulness, acceptance, willingness, and so much more. What is possible for you today?
In our work toward “achieving” we forget to celebrate progress and loose the greatest reward for our acheivements – fulfillment.
Instead of focusing on strengths and weaknesses, remove the judgement and look for what feels natural and in alignment.
In death (of a business partnership, personal relationship or physical body) there is new life if you are looking for it.
“I should” is something others are doing that your not committed to; stop “should’veing” on yourself and commit to something that fits YOU!
Being heard isn’t about hearing the words but instead listening with your heart.
Mindfulness is more than a catch phrase, it’s learning presence to create your ideal life instead of responding to the one you’re living today.
How we look at things changes our view. What would change if we looked at everyone unconditionally with love and peace in our heart?
Living in abundance isn’t about what you have it’s about how you exist.
Life is a series of experiences, it’s in the pause we appreciate them. Take time to pause today.
When your relationship becomes work you lose desire. Don’t work at the relationship, be the relationship you desire.
Our actions are loud because people listen what we do despite what they hear us say. What do your actions say about you?
Life isn’t about managing time better is about creating a life experience that maximizes your energy.
Start each day with what it takes to feel successful instead of a list of things to do and you will find success.
In the absence of real leadership people will be drawn to authority regardless of the direction or message.
Are you willing to hear the truth in the statements to which you most disagree?
Being in love isn’t something we feel, it’s something we decide.
Perceptions are created through our senses, different people “make sense” of things in different ways.
You can’t go back, you must decide how you plan to go forward.
Getting things done may create accomplishments; being on purpose creates fulfillment.
Many people ask “why” – is it more important to know “why” or to move past it? Your answer will determine how quickly you get to the other side.
After you think you have tried everything realize “everything” is infinite and go try something else.
Instead of searching for a “passion” identify what you enjoy doing consistantly – it offers the same result and removes the pressure.
All business is a head game…the one with the most confidence wins…don’t let anyone/anything get in your head.
The overlooked key to leadership is self-awareness, how we can lead others when we don’t know ourselves?
We give up when we run out of energy to remain on our path – what will it take to re-energize and continue your journey to greatness?
Leadership is a full time job – it’s more than how you manage yourself and your team at work, it’s how you live your life.
Today is a new day! You can be and do anything you want today. What will you do with this gift you are offered each day?
When you live in abundance there is no competition because nobody else is you.
Many blame family circumstance for their current dissatisfaction, family connects you by blood but doesn’t shackle your future unless you let it.
We can’t always change our circumstance but we can control the experience we have during that circumstance.
Being present is your mental awareness NOT your physical existence. Are you fully present?
We often think time is our issue when energy is the key factor. How do you measure the ROI of your energy/the energy of your team?
It’s important to make conscious choices by asking, how will this impact me and anyone else involved?
Take what you love about Friday and schedule a little of that for Monday. Have a great weekend!
The more you focus on what’s outside the less you will have.
If success is a life you can’t wait to wake up and experience every day, are you successful?
Focus on creating energy and momentum without being wedded to the outcome. The result may not come from where expect but it will come.
Feeling unsettled is an indication you are out of alignment with your purpose. Where you find purpose you find fulfillment.
Instead of asking great questions to gain clarity we let ourselves off the hook and then make assumptions that are wrong and/or don’t serve us.
You are not a leader worth following because of title, you are a leader when you inspire the best in others and they follow.
I’m going to work for as long as possible is not a succession plan. If you don’t have one your business dies with you.
The mindset that make us successful when we start an endeavor is often the thing that prevents us from breaking through to the next level.
People want “back” the energy of their younger self. You’ve grown so much since then. Instead create an energy based on your ideal now.
The result isn’t the end, it’s your catalyst toward progress.
We trick ourselves into believing “when I have…” life will be perfect, I can take the next step, make my big move. Decide you have everything you need right now.
When we say, “there is nothing I can do” we lose all sense of resourcefulness. With infinite possibilities, is it true there is NOTHING you can do?
We often work within the limits of what we have instead of realizing the infinite possibilities available when we focus on what we really want.
You aren’t money driven because you want financial abundance – gratitude for your current financial circumstance determines the difference.
Fear is driven by the worst case “what if” and yet “what if” goes both ways. Turn fear into fantasy by asking “what if” you get the best case?
We respond to others based on our behavioral style instead of theirs and then wonder why communication is difficult.
Seasons change and no one questions it. We resist change – in ourselves and others. Appreciate your season knowing it too is meant to change.
We want to “do” more than humanly possible in an effort to be seen as special. You ARE special! Stop “doing” and simply “be”.
Create. Today. That is all – create!
The most difficult questions typically challenge our identity. What would change if you removed how you identified with the situation?
Without systems and a means to monitor and measure progress you don’t have a business you have an expensive hobby.
It costs 6x more to acquire a new customer than retain an existing one. How would your business change if you focused more time on creating an outstanding experience for your existing customers instead prospecting/marketing for new ones?
If it all ended tomorrow would you be doing what you are doing today? It could all end tomorrow!
It’s important to give to others and more important to fill yourself up first because you can give what you don’t have.
What you don’t do is as important as what you got done. Pay attention to the things you avoid, do what allows you to be at your best and leverage the rest.
Don’t stop in Q4 – momentum for 2016 is dependent on how you end 2015 while preparing for next year.
Music has the ability to transport you to a different time, get you dancing, bring back memories and change your mood in an instant. What music moves you?
On average receive the equivalent of 17 newspapers of information each day, our mindset filters the information we take in…do your filters need to be cleaned?
People, situations and things don’t make us happy, happiness is your reaction. Choose to react with happy more often and see what happens.
Letting go of incomplete projects, “should’ves” and never-ending “to-dos” will open the space for creation. Let go!
Where is your happy place? How often do you go there? Is it often enough to feed your soul and light up your heart? If not, schedule time to go there TODAY. You deserve it.
For anyone who works at home, it’s easy to fall into mundane routines; which is why it’s important to think “out of the house” literally and figuratively.
What if you believe everything is PERFECT right now? Perfect because you decide it is instead of striving for a perfect that not humanly possible.
Let half-baked ideas evolve, you may be happier with the result than the original plan.
When it’s not working, try a different approach. Someone else’s way to success is not your way.
People don’t die prematurely of physical conditions they die of emotional conditions that create physical complications. LIVE!
Contentment isn’t settling for where you are in life, it’s gratitude for what you have.
Really, it’s not you – my issue with you is always a result of the meaning I give the situation which means it’s always me.
Motivation is dependent on external forces while inspiration comes from within – where there is a strong purpose there is infinite inspiration.
While the path to your goals may lead you down unexpected roads, your internal compass will keep you on track – have faith in your destination and enjoy the journey.
Hold on to the past as not to repeat history but beware of holding on so tight you prevent progress.
When we don’t like our options we pretend we have no choice; and yet there are infinite possibilities when you look beyond what is obvious.
All long-lasting habits are fueled by purpose – find your “why” and experience the difference in commitment.
Your actions indicate your focus not your intentions – the gap between the two is what’s holding you back.
Happiness is a perspective you choose daily not something you work toward.
It’s difficult to see progress when comparing, your perception of someone else’s reality will always be an impossible gauge to measure by.
What we talk about is what we hope for, what we do is the true indication of our priorities.
The “to do” list is often a reaction to your environment, there isn’t time to create your “ideal” when you spend your day reacting.
It’s only when we know where we are that we can see what needs to be changed.
You are out of integrity any time you don’t follow through with a commitment you made to yourself.
Imagine a world where judgement is replaced by curiosity, can you see it? Let’s create that today!
What is assumed may go unsaid but it is felt and the result is often disconnect and misunderstanding.
Only through self-awareness do we have the ability to share the best of ourselves with others.
Vague goals don’t get results. Get specific so you can monitor and measure your success and experience fulfillment.
You can force yourself to build your business their way but it won’t be sustainable long term, instead listen to your inner voice. Success your way is the best way.
It’s not a matter of timing, it’s a matter of continuously creating what you want knowing it will happen at exactly the right time.
Listen to your inner voice, it’s sending you a message when you know what to do and you don’t it.
In business hustle is required, struggle is a choice. Purposeful action will easily create the results you desire.
While we search for the “big break” our life experience is being created the little opportunities we let slip by each day.
If today were going to be the last day of your life would you be doing what you are doing right now? If not, change what you are doing.
You may feel stuck because you aren’t willing to consider every possibility however that is a choice not a lack of options.
Often the answer lies in the silence – how much quiet do you allow before you respond?
Pay attention to your procrastination, what prevents you from taking action is the key to making progress.
A transactional client is easily swayed by your competition, a relational client is loyal for the long-term; you determine your client profile based on how you treat them.
Most people search for “a passion” as if it is something outside of themselves instead observing alignment and flow as the natural exhibit of their passion.
We tend to focus on production vs. quality. What would change if you looked at the quality of how you spend your time vs. how much you produce during a given period of time?
Accepting a situation without judgement allows you to be more resourceful.
Despite the enormous amount of freedoms we are granted in the US, many live like they have no choice. Own your freedom, choose your life. Happy 4th of July!
What would change if hearing the word “NO” meant an opportunity for deeper understanding rather than the end of the conversation?
Most people want results today and yet they put off working toward their goals until tomorrow. What would you do differently if tomorrow didn’t exist?
For those craving certainty in an uncertain world, make a list of all the things you can be certain about. It is standing on the foundation of your certainty that you can face uncertainty.
To follow through on your goals your connection to them must go beyond the transaction.
Most people sacrifice their longterm goals to satisfy a need in the moment. It never pays to be moment wise and longterm foolish.
Most people look at maximizing productivity at work but how would your day change if you considered maximizing your experience?
Don’t regret what you haven’t done; start where you are knowing where you are is the perfect place for you to be to move forward.
A plan is important but not an excuse for inaction. Take a break from planning and take action TODAY!
Dreams are food for your soul, without proper nourishment they lose energy and eventually die. What will you do to feed your dreams today?
For those of you who carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, remember just because it’s there doesn’t mean you have to pick it up.
Without a strong purpose there is no reason to concentrate; so we jump from activity to activity and then question our lack of fulfillment.
Own your business instead of being run by it – stick to your core competencies and leverage the rest.
Simply because you have the ability to do something doesn’t mean you doing it is the most efficient or effective way to get it done.
Without the framework of a crystal clear result you are merely completing a series of meaningless activities.
The truth will only set you free if you believe there are possibilities beyond your truth.
Defining your niche doesn’t limit who you serve, it focuses your market and creates a following.
What questions would you ask if you were interviewing a company to determine their success? When was the last time you asked yourself those questions?
Leveraging is managing to the result, delegating is handing it off and hoping it gets done.
Staying positive doesn’t mean seeing everything through rose-colored glasses, it means staying resourceful so you can see options and find opportunities.
You may never get it ALL done which is why you must determine your top priority for the day, week, year so you can be happy with what you get done.
To win – create an intended desired outcome for every situation (don’t be wedded to it), allow, track the result and share the win.
Being “realistic” is justification for your own limiting thoughts about what you believe is possible.
Focus on what you have control over – you – and let go of what you don’t – everything else.
When you let go of the outcome and commit to showing up as your best self you always win.
Most people believe, “I am doing to become” instead of “I am therefore I do.” Fulfillment comes from being before doing.
In America most employees spend the majority of their day (8.7 hours) at their job and yet 83% of the working population is disengaged at work, that’s a huge price to pay regardless of the paycheck.
Asking ourselves WHY we continue bad habits focuses on what is holding us back instead of what it takes to move forward.
In an effort to be accommodating we often sacrifice what we want, however to accommodate is to cooperate which requires mutual assistance toward a common goal.
Often we associate change with denying ourselves something which takes will. Since will runs out we go back to our old ways, instead grow into what you want/who you want to be and feel the difference.
Having leadership isn’t something you do, it’s something you are and the only way to know the difference is if people choose to follow you.
A driver is important and yet without the navigator they are driving in circles. Everyone has an important place, what’s yours?
Don’t wait for the big win to celebrate; celebrate all the little wins because stacked they create the big result.
After 90-minutes of intense focus there is a diminishing return so take a break from your computer/devices – meditate, walk, nap – and then return. Notice the difference in your focus, energy and your results.
The only way to see progress is to get specific about your results otherwise your goals continue as dreams and you remain unfulfilled. Decide today, what specifically do you want?
People often say, “I want to fit into the clothes I wore 2 years ago” – focus on what you want going forward otherwise you are always playing catch-up. Starting behind is no way to get to your future.
Most people become paralyzed by “the how” of creating their result – focus on the outcome and you will discover infinite ways to make it happen.
We don’t need to cure disease, which by definition only relieves the symptoms; we need to build strength to regain order – physical, mental and spiritual.
We listen to others vent negative stories as a way to show empathy; however is allowing them to relive the story and build up it’s energy the best way to achieve that result?
Often we wait for a new year, a new season or a change in life (divorce, marriage, career move) to declare a new beginning. What would change if you considered everyday a new beginning?
Recent stats indicate 4 out of 5 employees are seeking a new career. Since we know purpose is the key to fulfillment, managers do you know your employees purpose?
Our actions are loud because others watch what we do not necessarily hear what we say. What do your actions say about you?
Feeling sick is a symptom of being out of alignment – spiritually mentally, or physically. We use medicine to deal with the symptom but we really need to evaluate the cause.
The brain has two jobs – to answer your questions and prove you right. The questions you ask yourself determine if you consciously direct it toward the future you want.
Often we ask others their opinion not really wanting their viewpoint but more as a means to validate our own. Ask for an opinion only if you truly want to hear it.
Since we will sacrifice our values to keep our identity, what follows “I am…” has great power. Use those two words to empower yourself.
“I am confident” isn’t a statement to be made, it is a way of living exhibited through acts of humility, gratitude, personal responsibility and unconditional love.
Once used, words and time cannot be taken back..season your words with wisdom and spend your time doing what you love.
Unhappy clients want to be heard – explaining your position may allow you to feel right in the moment but it always feels wrong for the client.
You know you have transitioned from business operator to business owner when instead of scurrying for business you are actively prospecting for talent.
The joke is on you if you are always trying to catch up from what didn’t get done yesterday. Don’t be a fool, start each day fresh!
Are you waiting for the “right time” to connect with a client, friend or family member? The “right time” is always now. Pick up the phone and call one person in the next five minutes.
Often we are waiting to believe we are amazing, gifted, successful, talented, financially free… (When I…then I will be…) What would change if you believed you ARE right now? Try it on and let me know how it goes.
When communication isn’t working, ask yourself, “Am I speaking in a way s/he can hear me?” It’s our responsibility to make sure we are heard.
We are quick to label and yet the labels we use often connect us to things we don’t like; how much more resourceful would you be if you removed the label?
Disappointment comes from unmet expectations; unless your expectations are clearly articulated it is likely they will go unmet.
People are searching for their passion, longing for success and wanting happiness; until you define passion, success and happiness you won’t know it even if you find it.
Know your result, come to the situation from a place of power, actively listen and notice the difference in your interactions.
We can kowtow to those who can’t keep up so they don’t feel bad or we can set the standard, expect them to rise to it and watch them fly high.
The difference between “creating” and “doing” is momentum. “Creating” results in a momentum that continues even when you stop, “doing” means you can never stop.
We often want the people in our life to change so we can be our best selves; and yet it is in showing them the best of you that you will see the best of them.
Clients have told me they are to busy to create a plan and yet without one you are left to respond to other people’s demands. You find you have plenty of time when your life is on purpose.
Busyness fills the day but doesn’t get results. Focus on your result and you will find a lot more time.
Quick results fade away, mastery comes from consistent commitment to progress over time.
Your best self is a gift and yet everyone’s behavior at it’s extreme is a detriment. It’s not ideal to go to our extreme but it’s important to appreciate it because without it you wouldn’t have your best self.
The most successful person in the room is not working the hardest, he or she is the most resourceful.
Too often we “should’ve” all over ourselves and in the end please no one, feel bad and become even less productive. Only do what is a MUST to meet your intended desired outcome.
Using platitudes to describe your company or service may offer general appeal but it’s non-memorable; in the specifics you attract your tribe and standout in a crowd. Get specific!
Own your fear…are you really afraid of failure or what you think you may have to give up to succeed at the highest level?
You don’t achieve results because you have money, you have money because you know how to achieve results.
On the road to success there will always speed-bumps but only you create barriers.
By not choosing you are choosing. For example, by not choosing a different career you are choosing to stay in your current career. A choice by default is still your choice.
Nothing can be solved or achieved in generalities. You must be specific to get to the next level.
Success is not defined by getting everything done, it achieved when you reach your desired result. Don’t work to get everything done, focus on the important things.
Don’t regret past decisions, accept they were made in the moment based on the information you had at the time and so you can move on.
People don’t cross our boundaries, we let them in.
Inaction or lack of follow-through is the symptom not the problem; where those symptoms exist mindset is always the real issue.
To talk about what you do, what you love and what you are good at isn’t a sales pitch unless that’s the meaning you give it.
When we do someone else’s work under the guise of helping we reduce ourselves to their standard instead of having them rise to ours.
Success is not something you buy out of a box or work through a magic formula. It’s a mindset! Are you a success?
It’s not hard (difficult), the mindset we bring to the situation makes it “hard”. What could you believe if you didn’t believe it was hard?
Feelings don’t come to us, we call them. Whatever you are feeling in this moment is a result of your thoughts. Change your thoughts, change your feelings.
The “yeller” shows up when someone feels they aren’t being heard. Consider the impact if you asked the “yeller” in your life, “what would have to happen for you to feel heard?”
We are not committed to tasks, we are committed to purpose find your purpose for the tasks and you will find commitment to accomplish them.
People talk about focus and discipline as a reference to “doing” the right things, however true focus and discipline is about “being” in the right mindset.
Our brain makes connections between thoughts, people and experiences. It doesn’t mean those connections are true. If the connections don’t serve you consider changing them.
Goals without purpose are simply tasks. It takes purpose to stay committed to your outcome. What’s your purpose?
It’s easy to mistake activity with outcome; fulfillment comes from purposeful action toward meaningful results. Decide the result you want from every conversation, for each project, for your day, week, month, and year.
As thinking creatures we are often in our head instead of in the moment. How many precious moments have you missed because you were thinking instead of living?
Indecision is making a decision not to decide, which means we are responsible for our outcome whether we consciously choose it or not.
Martin Luther King, Jr. shows us one man’s dream has the power to make history and change a country. What’s your dream?
Look up when you are feeling troubled and down. The solution is always found in a higher place.
When working alone we do what is easy or comfortable, a coach watches pushes you to go further than you would on your own. Who do you have in your corner pushing you toward success?
People are not broken. Often we have bad habits that need to be broken but only when we see ourselves as whole can we find the strength to break the habits.
Commitment is sticking with “it” unconditionally. Since we are not committed to tasks, we are committed to purpose when you find the purpose for your tasks and you will find commitment to accomplish them.
Without purpose everything becomes a task and requires willpower. While willpower runs out, purpose provides the fuel to keep you going forever. Find your purpose.
Plans without a powerful purpose are merely a hope. What makes your goals a MUST this year?
Fear is easily found in generalities, getting into specifics is where you find solutions.
We don’t make money off our database, we make money when we provide consistent communication and value to those in our database.
92% of people who set New Year’s Resolutions do not reach their goal. What one thing are you 100% committed to following through with in 2015?
Self-development isn’t about what you read or learn, it’s about what you apply.
Often when it comes to work we will try anything; what would change if you were as resourceful with your relationships in the New Year as you are with your work?
Stacking evidence will validate your feelings in a negative situation but does allow you to create the experience you want? If not, decide what you want and stack from there.
Negative energy occurs when we are out of alignment with our purpose. What is your purpose? What does it take for you to get back into alignment with it?
We are impatient with things outside of our control – we don’t like to wait in lines, in traffic, for slow internet – but we accept putting our dreams on hold indefinitely waiting for perfect circumstances. Today is perfect, what are you going to do with it?
We qualify what we want by where we are…if your dreams have to go through a qualifying round they will often lose and never become reality.
Is it more important to know “why” you are in a negative situation or what to do to get out of it? The past provides context but rarely helps you move forward.
In sales (and we are all in sales) the goal is not to say as much as you can but to create an experience so you never have to “sell” anything.
You can be a boss or a leader, the differences lies in the depth of your conversations.
If your self-talk was available for all to see would you say the same things to and about yourself? Pretend it is and see what happens.
Is it more important to understand why a situation exists or to determine the result you really want from the situation? Your answer will determine if you are moving forward.
In any situation our defining moment is how we deal with it.
Although Black Friday begins the official start to holiday shopping season it’s important to remember the holidays are not about what we buy but what we give. The greatest gift is time and it’s always free.
‘Thanksgivings’ were regularly celebrated by New England colonists as a way to thank God for their blessings. Practice being thankful today and throughout the year. Happy Thanksgiving!
Gratitude is shown in different ways and has the power to alter a conversation, transform a day and change a life – your life. How do you show your gratitude?
The energy around an obligation always takes away from the enjoyment of an experience. Reserve YES for the experiences you desire OR create your experience by owning your choice to say YES (or no) in the first place.
Do you have fun and play or are you so caught up in the ‘busy’ness of life that you don’t have time? It’s easy ‘to do’ busy and forget to ‘be’ fun. Commit to being fun.
A cluttered mind gets stuck in today, a clear mind can create a compelling future for tomorrow. What do you have to do to clear your mind today?
It’s important to measure success by your progress from the day before not distance remaining to your result.
Modeling success is not one size fits all. It’s not about adapting to do it “their” way, it’s about finding someone like you so you can do it your way.
Without a clear result it is easy to believe there is not enough time in a day, week, or even a year. The truth is it’s never an issue of time, always an issue of focus.
Most people mistake action for their end result – “I want to make 10 prospecting calls today” vs. “It is my intention to book 5 appointments with pre-qualified buyers by the end of the day.” What is the result you are truly after?
In our search for recognition we wait for the “big one” – the big break, the big idea, the big payout – and ignore the gift of all the small wins along the way. Celebrate the small wins, when stacked they are the “big one” called life.
Mindset isn’t about being positive or happy; it’s about staying resourceful. Focus on the possibilities of any given situation and you are on your way to mastering your mindset.
Most decisions are decided by your heart in 11 seconds, the rest of the time is spent looking for validation of that decision. Trust your heart. Decide.
Thank you to all the brave men and women who serve our country today and those who have served in the past to ensure our freedoms here in the US and share those ideals around the world.
Often we don’t speak our truth in an attempt to spare another’s feelings. The frustration, resentment and pain of a silenced heart is far worse. Speak your truth, they can handle it.
Money is a byproduct of the energetic vibration we give out which is then used for other things. Money problems? Change your energy, change your finances.
Your brain has two jobs – to answer your questions and prove you right. What questions are you asking yourself? You will be proven right.
When you don’t have your own plan, other people will have plans for you.
Voting is a privilege…we would understand that if it were taken away. Take time to VOTE today!
It is easy to say we are committed, our actions show us if we truly are.
How do you live your life – full of sweet treats or as if someone is always playing a trick on you? Remember you get what you ask for. Trick or treat?
Recess: the time of the day during elementary school when you got to go outside to play and blowoff steam. Whoever decided recess was only necessary for kids ages 4-11 was a fool. Everyone needs a little recess. Take yours daily.
Breath is the most fundamental requirement to live and yet most of us breath quickly and shallowly. How does your relationship to breath mirror your existence in life?
We tend to rush through life and often forget to pause and experience the moment. In the silence of the pause we hear more, see more and feel more. Pause.
We intuitively know what is right for us and we question it because we hear it is not right for others. Trust your intuition, it is your soul’s only way to navigate through this world of information overload.
What disempowering questions are holding you back from what you truly want? Ask better questions, get better answers.
Since fact is largely influenced by each individual’s interpretation of the world “just the facts” for me will be different than the facts for you. Not necessarily right nor wrong, just different.
Shifts happen when we focus on what we want instead of where were are.
The truth lies in the depth of the questions you ask.
True communication starts with another person’s first word not your first response to someone else’s words.
When you stop obsessing over what to do, you can focus on who to be.
It doesn’t have to be hard work, that’s the mindset we are bringing to the work.
Remember your limiting beliefs about what is possible or is not possible is based on your model of the world and are simply your beliefs. Be careful not to pass them to others as absolute truth.
Your life is already filled with greatness. We don’t see it because we are busy comparing. Decided to see MORE often!
Each of us is gifted with natural strengths. Most people waste time working on areas they are not naturally strong. How would your life change if you focused on the things that helped build your natural strengths?
“I tried” is a softener we use when we aren’t 100% committed to our result. Try to pick up your pencil. You can’t. You either pick it up or you don’t. Same is true with everything else in your life. Stop trying – JUST DO IT!
Stop trying to be all things to all people because until you are known for “one thing”, you are known for nothing.
Freedom is not knowing when the week ends and the weekend begins.
Technology fools us into believing we are more connected when in fact it’s keeping up with technology that distracts us from “being” with ourselves and others.
There are a million tools (books, videos, audio) available to help you achieve your goals but if you aren’t clear on what you want you will be educated and remain unfulfilled.
People don’t achieve their goals when they don’t have a “why” (purpose) strong enough to pull them past their daily distractions.
“Trying” is a softener we use to justify when we aren’t committed.
Laughter is the body’s way to release joy. How much joy do you let free into the universe?
Someone else’s behavior is a reflection of the meaning you give their actions, not necessarily the intention they had in performing the action.
Our internal compass knows the way, it’s when we accept the interference of outside vibrations we are misdirected.
If you had the day to live over, would you take it so seriously? We only get one chance to live each day so live it the best way the first time.
You get one chance at this life, make each day deliberately extraordinary.
Your commitment to customer service is in direct proportion to how much you value your customer. Do your customers feel valued? There is only one way to find out – ASK THEM!
Faith isn’t believing in the unknown, it’s knowing with 100% certainty there is something larger than you to guide you through your days.
We often look for the big victories and yet every little success stacked is what we need to reach GREATNESS. Start little and watch it grow into GREAT!
What’s your style? Everyone has a behavioral style that makes them unique. Isn’t it time to learn about and own your style?
When we accept that all relationships evolve – and we stop dreaming about what they were in the past – we can be grateful for what they are in this moment.
It’s easy to feel stuck except when you realize in most situations you have choices – you may not like the choices but when you recognize there are some available you open yourself up for even more possibilities.
“I’m Sorry” doesn’t acknowledge right or wrong. Instead it has the power to break down emotional barriers, open conversations, show empathy and allow others to feel understood which is always right.
Often people numb themselves emotionally as a means of self-protection but avoiding pain for the moment can leave a scar that lasts a lifetime.
Our rules for winning in life are often set so broad and high they are difficult to achieve while our rules for losing in life are also broad but set so low they are easy to accomplish. Change your rules, change your life!
Your eyes show you what you have conditioned your mind to find. Focus your mindset on what you want and you will see more of it around you.
Time is like money…if you don’t save time for yourself first you will spend it.
Focus on the things within your control – your reaction and your actions.
Energy is your most valuable asset, protect it by focusing on people, actions and goals that add to or multiply your energy.
Where you don’t feel support make sure your team does.
Have confidence it’s perfect because it’s done instead of trying to meet some imaginary unattainable criteria for perfection.
Nothing is done alone and yet it only takes one to create momentum so great it changes the world. You are the one, what will you do with your power?
When we judge ourselves it’s easy to judge others. Loving others starts from loving within.
If you are learning from those around you aren’t using other’s mistakes as a reason to stay comfortable, instead you are making better choices that move you into action and toward your dreams.
Monitor and measure your numbers keeping in mind purposeful action to create long-term momentum is more important than achieving a numeric goal you set for today.
When we are unsatisfied with today our memory of the past becomes sweeter than when we were there. Live for today and make it better than any memory can create of your past.
We often give love the way we like to receive love – what would change if you asked your partner, child, family member “how do you like to be shown love?” That’s true love.
You can’t be present if you are in your head, think about all the things you miss out on when you aren’t living in the moment.
Don’t do it because someone told you to, do it because you are drawn to do it from your soul. Long-term results happen when you are “being” not when you are “doing.”
Where does your business come from? We get caught up in marketing and prospecting and forget to evaluate what works. It’s vital to monitor and measure so you can do less by doing more of what works!
Happiness is when your real life is as great as going away on vacation.
Stop defending (yourself, your position, your reputation, your price) just be (confident, understanding, loving, empathetic, grateful) and watch the power of silence create a world based on your truth.
No explanation necessary – in the need to explain we often start to defend and sometimes offend.
When you start to believe nothing and no one is against you, you start to see everything happens for you.
You often can’t stop what will happen but you can always control the level of peace and grace you experience during the happening.
Faith is the infinite power that protects us from the effects of negative external forces – use it.
Today’s dream is tomorrow’s reality with attention, intention, and action.
Consider the energy you bring to any situation as a seed or weed – you decide if you leave behind behind something that will advance or restrict the environment.
Go into every conversation knowing your intended desired outcome and watch the power of intention come alive.
The brain is a deletion tool, most people delete by default (based on the past). That doesn’t get you what you want because there remains too many options. Decide what you want, the brain will delete the rest and you will get the best!
Abundance comes from within, it’s when we look externally that we feel we are without.
There is debate over whether a customer is always right; if the customer is not right, s/he is not the right customer for you.
Your reality is merely your perception of what you believe you deserve. Create and confidently share your reality or be at the mercy of other’s perceptions.
Those who judge others often judge themselves. Choose acceptance, love and understanding to create inner peace.
Meeting other’s expectations is like randomly answering a trivia question, you may get it right every once in awhile but your chances of being wrong are greater. Create your own result and you will get it right 100% of the time.
It’s easier to play the blame game rather than realize life is of our own creation. Your past actions got you here and your future actions determine tomorrow.
We have access to infinite information and yet many believe they have finite options. Paralyzed by too many choices we create our own limits.
What are your guiding principals? If you don’t define your beliefs you are left to respond to others beliefs.
In this information age it’s easy to get caught up in “the more you know” forgetting about what you plan to do with it. More isn’t always better, it’s just more.
The enemy of action is more information. You don’t need more information, you need more purposeful action!
Most people want to be part of something larger than themselves and to contribute. What would happen if you harnessed that human desire to WOW the people in your world – your clients, employees, friends and family?
What can you do today to make it (and everyday) a day to celebrate?
Often the things we don’t get done are more important than those that remain on the list. Does it count as “getting things done” simply because it can be checked off or only if it’s massive action toward your BIG goals? You decide.
When you act “as if” your brain literally searches for ways to make it happen – act “as if” long enough and watch it become your reality.
Do you track your magic moments during the week? Start evaluating your success by the number of magic moments you have instead of the numbers on a spreadsheet and your results are guaranteed to be bigger and arrive faster.
Often people say “I used to…” and finish it with some habit, activity, lifestyle they feel they can no longer live up to. Does that lifestyle fit today? For most it’s no so why live in the past; instead declare what fits now and what you will do today!
When we judge others we are saying our way of looking at things is the “right” way. What opportunities to grow and learn do we miss when our “right way” is the only way we see?
In the US we have the right to free speech; if you don’t express yourself at work, at home, or with your friends it’s your choice. Own your choice.
I can but I don’t is not an excuse, it’s a sign. Look at what you are avoiding. Instead of forcing yourself and wasting energy, be resourceful find another way.
It’s difficult to assess a situation when you are in it. Step above so you can see the patterns, notice the distinctions and learn from them.
While most people strive for the freedom to make their own schedule, it’s ironic we live trapped into responding to our devices in an instant.
Your value is based on what you believe you deserve – there is no imaginary career limit except for the one you create yourself.
We tend to be more clear about what we don’t want and we get more of it. Ask for what you want. Be clear. Your mind has two jobs – to answer your questions and prove you right. It will get you what you ask for either way.
Often people talk about discipline as a reference to getting “things” done, however true discipline is about “being” in the right mindset.
The distinction of an artist lies in the details. The art of being specific allows you to paint the life you’ve always dreamed. The alternative is a blank canvas left to the whim of someone else’s brush. Color your world!
It’s hard to see beyond the horizon from where you stand, stepping above the situation is where the future becomes clear.
The reasons you give for not getting “it” done may be valid but is that where you should be spending your time?
Adults make decisions based on where they want to go, kids want everything all at once because they have no place to go. Where are you headed?
Where there is tremendous value there is no need to make it mandatory.
It is said that hindsight is 20/20 and yet we repeat history with bad habits and limited thinking. Picture what you want and the future will be crystal clear.
We often feel the need to justify our decisions to others which leaves the door open for questioning or disagreement. No justification needed. You know what is best for you, no one needs to know your reasons.
Simple happiness can be walking barefoot in the grass, appreciating a sunset on any given day, saying I love you to someone you care about…do one thing each day that brings you simple happiness.
What we intend to express may not be how it is received, only the receiver can decide and no one can discredit how the information is received. The next time someone expresses dissatisfaction with something you’ve said acknowledge their feelings and explain (don’t defend) if it was misunderstood.
Memories are the story we create about our past, the meaning you give your past has a huge impact on your future. Does the way you remember your life help you create an empowering future?
Planning keeps us from taking action so keep planning simple and action massive.
People often say “I’m cruising through life on autopilot,” autopilot may work short term but if you don’t take back control of the wheel you will eventually run out of gas or crash and burn.
How do you define success? You won’t find it until you define it.
Everyday is a day to celebrate. Today celebrate spring, flowers and a new season…it was a long winter…buy flowers for yourself, someone you love and/or a complete stranger.
Your beliefs, your thoughts, your energy extend far beyond your reach. They are carried into the universe by your children, technology and all of the lives you touch. You are not one, we are all one.
The next time you are feeling negatively about a situation ask yourself “is it REALLY true?” The answer is sure to give you a different perspective.
How often do we block our expressions of love, joy, frustration, anger? We don’t like it when we are blocked (writer’s block, career blocks, relationship blocks) but we block ourselves so often our brains forget the gift of expression.
The word desire is met with mixed translations – when desire is seen as pure energy from within your ability to create is infinite.
Often we get caught up in “doing” instead of allowing. It’s important to take purposeful action and then allow the magic of flow to unfold.
Happiness is always within, it’s when we look externally that we are without.
For Catholics today represents Good Friday which is “celebrated” as a solemn day of fasting in the church. What is the benefit of a day that is called good and is solemn? We know the outcome and for Catholics it is good. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Regardless of your religious affiliation celebrate today and make every Friday a Good Friday!
We run around trying to meet others expectations when we are not clear on our own…often theirs is assumed and no one is satisfied. Focus on your fulfillment so you can overflow abundance to others.
You are stuck until you have a place to go. Progress comes with clarity. Get clear on where you are headed so you can take steps toward your destination.
You don’t need to have the last word in a conversation to have the greatest influence on the people you are talking to.
Commit to creating outcomes that make you the magnet – so powerful you are drawn to them and you to attract everything you need to accomplish them.
Most people suffer from the happiness platitude – people say they want to be happy but don’t know what it will take to create happiness. Define happiness for you. Be specific. Until you know what you want you will continue to get what you have always got.
Have you ever caught yourself judging others? Judging yourself? Judging cripples while kindness cures…focus on kind thoughts to yourself and kind gestures to others. Kindness is the cure!
Disengagement happens when we become disconnected with our work (and our relationships). What is one thing you can do today to reconnect at home or at work?
Success lies in your “core genius” – don’t worry about doing more, do what you do best and success is yours.
What would change if instead of reacting you approached every situation with curiosity and asked “what can we do”?
It is often asked, what is the value of your time? A more prudent question would be what is the value of your energy? Measure energy over time and you will see the true cost of not living your dreams.
What is your ideal…relationship, job, family situation? Everyone has an ideal yet few articulate it and then wonder why they are not happy, satisfied or fulfilled. State your ideal, share it with the world and see what happens!
Often people ask did you hear me when they really want to know did you understand me? Hearing the words is irrelevant, feeling understood is the key to communication.
No one wants to be a fool but it is fun to be silly…make it a point today and everyday to be silly, playful and fun. April Fools To You!
If you are not living life to its fullest, you ARE mediocre…and you are an example to those around you (partner, children, extended family, boss, colleagues, etc). Is that the message you intend to send? If not, what are you going to do about it?
STOP getting ready to get ready and take action already! What is one action you will take today toward achieving your intended desired outcome?
Anxiety happens in your head so practice being in your heart. You can’t be in your heart (present) and in your head (away) at the same time. Love beats anxiety (literally) when you get into your heart!
Faith and fear are both the imagination unleashed – one holds you back and allows dreams to go unfulfilled, while the other inspires you to take action knowing with certainty you are moving toward your goals. Faith vs. fear, which one serves you best?
Fear in its truest sense is clear and present danger…everything else is your imagination (a.k.a. False Evidence Appearing Real). Unless you are in a fight or flight situation, is there really anything to be afraid of?
Passion pays the bills if you focus on it, create a plan and take massive action. Settling for anything less may put money in your pocket today but won’t pay off long-term.
Happy First Day of Spring! Spring forward today! What massive action can you take to “spring” closer to your goals?
Progress creates hope. Don’t try to go from where you are to the end result. Go from where you are to the next step. Where do you want to make progress today?
Don’t wait for a holiday or special occasion to celebrate – celebrate today. You are worth it!!
Optimism is an essential means of evaluating the world knowing there is hope for change and access to opportunity. Pessimism often chosen under the guise of “reality” is a sense of helplessness known to lead to depression. Both are learned. Who is your teacher?
We are so clear on what we don’t want but do you know what you do want? You won’t get what you want until you are clear. So start with today, what do you want today?
We all know F.E.A.R – False Evidence Appearing Real and yet we go through life fearful. If there is no clear and present danger then fear is your imagination. Conquer your fear by living in the moment!
Here implies physical location while being present indicates directed attention. You can be here and not present but not present without being here. Are you here or present?
What would happen if you believed EVERYONE came to every situation from a place of good intentions? How would it change your response? How would it change the interaction? Try it and see!
It’s easy to be distracted by thoughts of our past or plans for our future. Enter your moments – be present – so you can enjoy the gift that is today.
It is easy to get caught up in doing, talking, managing…and yet true abundance is created in the silence…being, listening, meditating. Consider silence your greatest commodity and you will forever have the Midas Touch. Silence is golden!
Life like nature goes through seasons and each season is there to prepare us for an abundant harvest. Appreciate today knowing the seasons always change and tomorrow brings you closer to your season of harvest.
Punch the clock and track your time not by what you get done or how much you have produced but by the greatness of your experience. We are here for a short time, what is the experience you want to have while you are here?
Chasing success is like chasing the wind…life blows by and you’ve missed the beauty of today. BE your best self, enjoy your moments and success will find you.
How you show up is not based on the situation or the other people involved; it’s determined by your commitment to BE yourself. Don’t settle for less than you best self! Consciously create the experience you want to have every moment of every day.
Two little words that means so much. Thank you for listening. Thank you for the smile. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for being my spouse. Thank you for being my son/daughter. Who can you thank today?
If productivity is defined as the ratio of what is produced to what is required to produce it, are you productive when to cost to produce is energetic, spiritual and physical exhaustion? (Re)Define productivity as what fills you up and watch production soar!
Trying to keep up with the masses only gets you lost in the crowd. Set your pace. Create your future your way.
The subconscious mind like gravity never shuts off, it pulls you toward what you believe whether you are conscious of it or not. Decide today to pull toward what you want. Imagine. Visualize. Create.
This is your captain speaking and today’s destination is joy! What is your itinerary for joy? What time do you take off? Where do you land? Who are you traveling with. Life is a journey -make it a GREAT trip!
Words are easy to say and can never be taken back. Use your words to create curiosity instead of disagreement, love instead of bitterness and peace instead of turmoil.
Stop planning your day with “to do” lists. Redefine your day and create a plan for outstanding – who will you meet, what will you do, what experiences will you have. Let me know how it goes.
Life is energy. If you guard your heart from being hurt you stop the flow of energy. Love with reckless abandon and watch infinite energy and love flow back to you.
Inconsistency results from a surge or shortage of energy – focus on energy management to create consistent results in alignment with your best self.
Today is Family Day in Canada, a day celebrating the importance of family and family life to people and their communities. Declare your own Family Day – commit to unplug (no electronic devices) – and watch the magic of your family unfold.
You can’t be blessed and depressed at the same time. Focus on your blessings by writing 10 each day, watch them build strength and push out negative feelings of the past.
Don’t spend sleepless nights worrying about what is in front of you…imagine what “could be” so the universe can work it’s magic during the night and watch your dreams come true the next day.
What if your thoughts were played on a movie screen for all to see? When it comes to energy and the universal law of reciprocity motive matters. Come from contribution, come from curiosity, come from acceptance, and come from love.
Procrastination is a sign you are out of alignment with your heart’s desire. Alignment is when you are pulled toward your goal instead of having to push yourself to get it done.
Do you design and build your life or do you respond and let life happen to you? Engineer the life of your dreams and watch the universe conspire in your favor.
If you don’t know where to start you are looking too far forward. Start by asking what will it take to get started? You’re next action lies in each step not at the finish line.
Everything is meant to be exactly as it is in this moment. Enjoy the certainty.
You can not create abundance if you are always “catching up” from yesterday. Start new today!
Integrity is more than being honest with others, it’s standing in your truth about who you are, how you spend your time and who you spent your time with.
We don’t need as much as we want and the word “need” comes from a place of lack. Decide what is a MUST for you and then make it happen.
A job exchanges time for money, a career offers fulfillment for a lifetime. Are you working a job or living your ideal career?
If your occupation was to feel good would you fire yourself? You get to choose your experience here on earth, shouldn’t it feel good.
I AM… the two most powerful words in the English language. The words that follow are your identity. Are using empowering or disempowering language after I AM?
Acceptance of others allows you to come from appreciation instead of difference; how would accepting others unconditionally change the way you communicate?
Don’t wait to see it to believe it; believe it and you will see it.
Many start the year with resolutions for health, family, and work. Do you have a Growth Plan for 2014? What books will you reach to grow your mind? What audios will you hear to nourish your soull? What events will you attend to advance your thinking?
You push yourself to work a job while you are pulled toward a fulfilling career. A job is mere existence while a career is the key to thriving. At a job you count your hours and in a career time flies. Which do you have a job or career?
If you had to pick a word to live by for the day what would it be? How would that word change your perception about your work, your family and your life. Give it try and see what happens.
Economy-proof your income by finding a career that creates fulfillment and alignment instead of working a job as a means to an end.
Is happiness really lost or are you stopping yourself from enjoying today because of the story you created about your circumstance? You get to decide if being happy is more important than validating your story.
We often get caught up in what to do…to attract clients, meet our ideal partner, land the perfect job…the list is endless When you focus on who you need to be to attract what you want the “to dos” become beautifully irrelevant.
Truth is based on individual perceptions therefore there is no “absolute truth.” Once we embrace our perceptions are not the same as other’s perceptions we can approach one another with genuine curiosity and a greater desire to understand each each other’s truth instead of proving our own.
We procrastinate doing the things we don’t want to do. Does it make sense to judge our procrastination OR to ask “what would it take for me to move forward?” Judging yourself keeps you where you are…while the answer to the question will set you free!!
Trust isn’t earned it is given. If it had to be earned then it never existed and yet because it is given it can easily be taken away. Trust unconditionally and be trustworthy always.
While November is the month of gratitude, December marks the month of giving. This season give of your time and give from your heart. It’s the the gifts that cost so little that mean so much.
The are many benefits to facebook and other social media outlets but BEWARE of the fakebook trap and comparing other people’s outsides to your insides. We are not always what we appear online or in person. Love yourself, stay connected, post BUT don’t compare.
It used to be retailers would operate at a loss from January to November and “Black Friday” indicates the point in which they began to turn a profit or “operate in the black.” Enjoy the sales!
It’s a day of food, family, friends and fun. Be grateful today and everyday for all of the gifts in your world. Wishing you and yours the Happiest of Holidays!
Does the story you tell yourself empower you? We are only limited by our beliefs about what we deserve. Rewrite your story with spiritual, emotional and financial abundance.
It’s easy to be distracted by other people’s needs when we lack clarity in our own goals. Create your compelling purpose and watch the distractions disappear.
How do you start your day? Put on your daily armor by creating a mindset of abundance each morning – fill yourself up by reading, meditating, listening to music, drawing, journaling, whatever makes your heart sing – so you can guard yourself from the “stuff” that weighs others down.
We create specific expectations for others and soften our delivery to the point where the desired result is not clear – stand in your truth state what you want and watch it come to life!
We often want to go from where we are now to the result. That leap can seem scary – what step(s) can you take to get closer to your destination, be comfortable the process and experience the benefit of progress?
What was great about today? What can you do to repeat it? It’s that simple!
Often we use platitudes to describe what we want and then wonder why we don’t have it. What do you really want? If you say to be happy…what does that mean? How will you know when you achieve it? It’s time to be specific, what do you REALLY want?
Often people want financial freedom but don’t want to take the massive action to get there – what will you do today to create financial freedom for yourself tomorrow?
You are not defined by your habits unless you allow them to become your identity
When you determine your intention in advance you will find a way to create it, otherwise you left to respond to the situation in front of you.
Can you be found where your ideal client spends their time and money? If not, you should be!
“We create systems to protect us from ourselves.”
The story you create about your past will determine your future – do you like the way it ends?
Your life’s work is not the occupation you hold at the moment but who you are during your lifetime.
Working for money may make you rich but true wealth comes from abundance within.
Salespeople STOP “prospecting” – focus on being an expert/the best in your field and watch the prospects find you.
Today is the day you live like there is no tomorrow.
You won’t see it until you believe it so waiting until then will keep you exactly where you are – is that good enough for you?
Stop living by default – say “I DO” to YOU and create your “Intended Desired Outcome” TODAY!
Life is perfect when you know you are exactly where you are meant to be regardless of how you arrived there.
Fill yourself up so that you may overflow the best of you to others.
What you don’t do is as important as what you get done each week. Once you understand why you are drawn to complete some tasks and not others you will learn to love the tasks left undone!
A good man is someone who takes action not because the outcome matters to him but because it is important to someone he loves. Celebrate the good man in your life.
If you feel alone it’s because you are…surrounded by people or in an empty space…you determine how you interpret your world.
A future based on your past is a life by default. A future based on your ideal creation is an intended life. Which do you choose?
Busy doesn’t produce results – intended action does.
Always be you because you never know when the gift of you will inspire the gift in someone else.
Young people don’t die of physical conditions they die of emotional conditions that create physical complications. Decide to live!
“Contentment isn’t settling for where you are in life, it’s gratitude for what you have.”
Start each day with how you intend to feel instead of a list of things to do and everyday you will find success.
Knowing who you are and understanding what motivates your decision making process opens opportunities to infinite success, wealth and happiness.
Know with confidence it is never you – someone’s issue with you is always a result of their interpretation of you which means it’s always them.
Stop focusing on time management and begin to think about time behavior – it’s time to Behave Yourself!
Accepting others doesn’t mean taking on their story – when your life is full there is no room for anyone else’s story in your book.
Motivation is dependent on external forces while inspiration is internal and within your control – take your power back by finding your inspiration to establish long-term sustainable success.
How you start your day will determine how you live your day; protect yourself from “the stuff” that happens around you by putting on your Daily Armor – journal, offer daily gratitude, listen to music, meditate, or read – whatever it takes to start your day off right.