
Understanding DISC and Motivators

The DISC Assessment measures observable behavior.  Basically, it helps explain how you behave and how that behavior impacts our communication with others.  The  Motivators Assessment shows you what motivates your decisions; essentially why you do what you do.  Together these tools offer powerful insight to your behavior. 


The benefits of the DISC include:

  • Increased confidence and self-awareness at an individual level;
  • Improved understanding and conflict prevention in personal situations, and
  • Enhanced effective team-building and increased commitment in work situations.

The benefits of Motivators include:

  • Understanding which attitudes will move you fastest toward your potential;
  • Insight to our values and judgements;
  • Ability to create win-win situations knowing our own motivating factors and understanding others;

DISC Quick Reference

D-I-S-C represent the 4 dimensions used as the basis for behavioral analysis*

DISCovering_dDominance – how you approach and respond to problems and challenges and exercise power.
Some descriptors for people who lead with this trait include ambitions, forceful, decisive, direct, independent, and challenging.

DISCovering_iInfluence – how you interace with and attempt to influence others to your point of view.
Some descriptors for people who lead with this trait include expressive, enthusiastic, friendly, talkative and stimulating

DISCovering_sSteadiness – how you respond to change, variation and pace of your environment.
Some descriptors for people who lead with this trait include methodical, systematic, reliable, steady, relaxed and modest.

DISCovering_cCompliance – how you respond to rules and procedures set by others and to authority.
Some descriptors for people who lead with this trait include analytical, contemplative, conservative, exacting and careful.

REMEMBER:  There is not a perfect style…there is only a perfect way to manage and communicate with each style.

Contact if you have questions!

*The Universal Language DISC – Reference Manual, Target Training International, Ltd.