Jan 6
Action Steps for Managers Looking for Faster Results Q1

It’s that time of the year again—time to reflect on last year and take action on your plan for 2020. If you want to hit the ground running with your team in Q1, follow these four simple tips to get results faster:

  1. What allows and prevents – Look back at the prior year and consider what allowed you to achieve your goals and/or what prevented you from them.  It’s important not to focus too much on individual situations; instead look for patterns and decide where you can make shifts in your behavior or your actions to reach your goals faster.
  2. Start with result in mind – Define the result you want for your company, your board members, and your team for the year.  Each result should be different and based on the experience you intend to create with each group. Consider a focus on corporate experience rather than “pie in the sky” sales goals or system updates.  Remember, we don’t do what we “should”, we only do what we “must” – make sure your results are a MUST for 2020.
  3. Get clear on employee goals – Understand what motivates your employees, then connect your goals to their purpose.  The biggest downfall of corporate planning is it’s often done in a silo, doesn’t take into account team ecology, or what the individuals on the team want for themselves in the upcoming year.  When you understand your team member’s goals compared to your own, you can see where there are gaps and fill accordingly.
  4. Schedule accountability NOW – Most employees get frustrated with business planning because big visions and missions get written down without a clear action plan, and then the “plan” is placed in a drawer not to be seen again until business planning the following year.  It’s important to break down the plan into manageable pieces that get scheduled and monitored weekly or bi-weekly (once a month isn’t enough – it’s too easy to be pulled off track responding to the demands of the day.)  This helps you hold your team accountable—and helps your team hold you accountable to fulfilling what you said you were going to do at the start of the year.  Bottom line: If you aren’t going to schedule the time now to follow-up on your plan later then don’t bother to make one.
  5. Plan to celebrate your team – It’s important to celebrate your team.  Big successes are easy to celebrate but daily efforts are often overlooked; take the time to say “thank you”.  Celebrating the team doesn’t have to be elaborate. It can be as simple as scheduling time to walk around the office to say thanks, or blocking weekly time to write notes of thanks.   Remember, everyone at your company is in sales – regardless of the work they do, your employees are either selling or criticizing your company with family, friends, and even strangers.  The fastest way to greater results is gratitude.

These simple tips can make a world of difference for your business and company culture.  Make 2020 a results-focused year for your team!

At LMT Consulting we are building businesses and lives worth talking about by helping you understand your natural strengths, key motivators for action and then creating a business and life plan based on who you are. If you’re struggling for clarity around your business goals, lets talk. Click here to learn more about coaching.

laughingLaura Treonze, serves as Chief Life Strategist with LMT Consulting, which helps executives and teams create massive success through self-awareness. Her life-changing approach has transformed individuals and families and has redefined the way non-profits and corporations “do” business.