Integrity is in the little things; whether you’re lying about your kids age for a reduced ticket or not going back when a cashier gives you extra change, your kids are watching. In this video Laura shares a personal story about her 11-year old son’s standard for integrity.…
READ MOREIt’s possible when you believe it is. Are you sacrificing your today for the money you think you need tomorrow? In this video Laura talks about workplace disengagement and the importance of focusing on the life experience to create true long-lasting abundance.…
Working in a team setting has it challenges, as each individual has his/her own behavioral style. But teams can work together harmoniously! In this video Laura explains how understanding the behavioral styles of each person allows the team leader to harness the strengths of each person, and create better …
READ MOREWhen was the last time you were sitting at the dinner table with your family and actually had a conversation? Are you thinking that could never happen? I’m here to tell you that not only is it possible, but it’s easy to create a family rule to put the devices …
READ MOREFrequently we want certain things, but are self-critical and filter our responses by saying “I should do this”, “I shouldn’t want this”. In this video, Laura explains how owning what you want allows you to be yourself.…
READ MOREAs a parent, we have a long list of what we “should” do to raise our kids. In this video, Laura explains that it’s more important to find YOUR way to parent so you can create the experience you want with your kids.…
READ MOREPeople frequently look for a “magic bullet” to find success. The truth is, there is no magic bullet. In this video Laura explains that you have to understand who you are so you can build your life your way. …
READ MOREWhen we are dealing with people, it’s easy to take communications very personally. In this video, Laura explains that when you understand that what someone is experiencing is based on their behavioral style and filters–and it’s really not about you–it will help you to move on more easily.…
READ MOREIt’s natural to want to know why things have happened to you–but “why” and “how” questions don’t serve you long-term. In this video, Laura explains the importance of giving yourself permission to ask “Why me?” and shares why you need to move on from that question. …
Be mindful of the “stories” you tell kids–they can be like sponges and absorb a limiting belief you have told them. In this video, Laura shares how she heard one message, and her daughter heard another. …