You may not like your options, but chances are, some exist.…
READ MOREHiring someone based on what they think you want to hear is more costly than not filling a position.…
READ MOREThe power of understanding DISC is it allows you to fully understand and accept who you are, which allows you to accept others.…
READ MOREPeople show loved based on their behavioral style, not necessarily the way you want to be shown love. Do you love the people in your life exactly the way they are?…
READ MOREThe DISC Assessment provides a deep understand of what motivates a person; use it to connect people to their cause…not yours.…
READ MOREAre you feeling depressed that you’re not where you want to be in life? It may be that you’re really just “stuck” because you’ve been comparing yourself to others. Learn to work in harmony with your behavioral style, and you’ll start to make progress.
The secret to achieving your goals is understanding how your brain works. Learn to ask the right questions so your brain can find the answers. Click here to download “The Questions We Ask Ourselves” and start asking the right questions!
READ MOREFrequently we stuff our feelings and blame someone else for making us feel hurt, for example. A healthier approach is to own your truth and say “You hurt my feelings”, and then allow yourself to move on. You get to choose how you feel.…
READ MOREWe tend to parent based on our behavioral style, and not our child’s. But just like you don’t feed a cat and dog the same food even though they are both animals, children have different emotional requirements and need different approaches to parenting.…
READ MOREDo you feel like you are parenting all wrong? You might be. Often we parent based on our behavioral style not our child’s. Listen in to learn more.…