Dec 14
Parenting Corner – Controlling video game usage

Q:  My elementary school children want to play videos games the minute they come home from school. I don’t think it’s healthy but believe they deserve a fun activity of their choice after sitting in class all day; do you have suggestions?

A. Great question! It’s easy for people to give blanket advice on this topic; however as the parent you must decide what is healthy for your children because you are the one living with the consequences of your decision.  The neurological benefits of outdoor activities, imaginary play and reduced technology for children cannot be overstated.  With that being said, you don’t have to think of this as a one or the other scenario; there are lots of options and coming up with a System For Success (SFS) for you and your kids is key.  Creating a SFS means you have the conversation about options with them and decide together.  Some choices to consider include but are not limited to:

  • Choice 1:  Kids must go outside and play for 1 hour and then they can play video games for 20 minutes
  • Choice 2:  Outdoor play required 3x per week and 2x per week they can play video games
  • Choice 3:  Video games as reward after imaginary playtime and/or homework is complete
  • Choice 4:  Video games after school as reward for good grades

The logical side of a child’s brain doesn’t develop until they are in their mid-twenties; that means they are relying on you to help them train their brain.  Deciding “no video games” during the week or coming up with a compromise and explaining the reasons for it will serve them in the long run.  Doing what’s best for our kids seems simple but isn’t always easy; but the extra effort now pays dividends later.

laughingLaura Treonze, serves as Chief Life Strategist with LMT Consulting, which helps executives and teams create massive success through self-awareness. Her life-changing approach has transformed individuals and families and has redefined the way non-profits and corporations “do” business.