Dec 28
Parenting Corner – Raising kids gender neutral

Q:  I am a new parent and want to raise my children without gender specific roles — how do I do that in a world of Barbies and Legos?

A. Great question!  Remember nothing has any meaning until you give it meaning.  If you give a boy Barbies and a girl Legos does it mean the same as when the gifts are switched? You get to decide.  With that being said, girls and boys are chemically and physically different and this shows up in various ways depending on the child. Often we parent based on our behavioral style and beliefs instead of our child’s behavioral style and encouraging them to explore their own beliefs.  The conversation you have with your kids around the result you want from gender neutrality (vs. forbidding gender specific toys) is the key to them embracing it.  You can do your best to create a neutral environment for them to thrive, and yet the most important role you can encourage your child to embrace is the one that allows them to show up as their best self.  Regardless of gender roles (male/female/non-binary), communication style (introvert/extrovert) or intelligence (emotional/technical), parenting toward your child’s natural tendencies will give them the space to be confident and strong regardless of whether they played with Barbies or Legos…or both.

laughingLaura Treonze, serves as Chief Life Strategist with LMT Consulting, which helps executives and teams create massive success through self-awareness. Her life-changing approach has transformed individuals and families and has redefined the way non-profits and corporations “do” business.