
Listen to my podcasts HERE!
The Power of Words During COVID and Beyond
When we’re young no one teaches us the power of language and as a result we grow up using words carelessly. We apply gross general statements – like everyone, everything, all, nothing – to individual situations, we create and share strong stories around situations before we consider our own biased filter, and we make “statements of truth” that are more opinion than fact.
We are strongly influenced by the words we think and say, so while we, as a country, continue to talk about zero tolerance we are getting exactly what we ask for…a society with zero tolerance. Meanwhile no one is asking, does zero tolerance language get us to the result we want?
As an executive coach observing the discourse on social media, the pattern I see is “me” instead of “we” in the way we communicate. The gift of technology is instant contact and immediate gratification, but the cost is the slow erosion of our ability to relate, empathize, and care for each other.
The Art and Science of Happiness
In this episode, Laura is joined by her daughter Taylor T to talk about the Art of Happiness.
In this episode, Laura is joined by special guest Taylor T to discuss 3 myths commonly held by parents of high school students.
In this episode, Laura discusses Mind Your Mindset – how to keep a positive mindset in these changing times because the only thing we have control of is how we think about our current circumstances.
Storytelling her way to the top! – Jessica Pels
In this episode, Laura talks with Jessica Pels, editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan. With her fascinating background, amazing resume, and the coolest job ever, learn how Jessica has been storytelling her way to the top.
In this episode Laura talks about Understanding Behavior – the key to unlocking motivation. Most often people need the greatest motivation when they are doing things they’ve been told they “should” do rather than doing what’s most natural for them.
Love First in Prayer, Politics, and People – Andrew & Kathleene Card
In honor of Valentine’s Day, power couple Andrew and Kathleene Card share their views on love, balancing careers, and the importance of relationships.
It’s All Things Oscars – Penny Lyons
In this week’s episode, it’s all things Oscars! We are talking style, movies, and more with lifestyle guru, Penny Lyons.
In this week’s episode, I use the misguided mindset of those in retail as a warning for failing businesses in every industry.
In this week’s episode, Laura T discusses the sad state of common courtesy in society and what we as individuals can do about it.
Parenting Corner: The Death of Common Courtesy
In this episode, Laura T. discusses three reasons that young people are not learning common courtesy, and the impact that has on their behavior at home, at school, and in public.
In this week’s episode I have the honor of interviewing renowned speaker and best-selling author of The Go-Giver, Bob Burg. During the show we talk about his books, his “one more call” philosophy, how to say no with honor, and so much more.
Parental Involvement in Youth Sports
In this week’s episode I explore parental involvement in sports, how our goal to support our kids may be actually be putting pressure on them and causing them to quit.
People say “look up” things will get better, it sounds like a cliche, but looking up literally and metaphorically is important because it’s mentally and physically beneficial. In this episode Laura T discusses 3 specific ways looking up can help you.
Too Much of Not Enough – Jane Pollak
I was honored to interview artist, author and entrepreneur Jane Pollak to talk about her recent memoir “Too Much of Not Enough” and to discuss the important process of self discovery to create more authentic relationships with others.
Creating Boundaries At Work and at Home
Learning how to create healthy boundaries is an important skill to master. Listen to this episode of Own Your Truth with Laura T where she shares tips on how to do that, at work and at home.
Communication – Old School vs. New Tools
In this episode I discuss the ways we communicate, whether those are effective or not…and does more technology make for better communication.
Living a Passion Driven Career – Paul Richards
In this episode, Laura T interviews legendary guitarist, Paul Richards of California Guitar Trio about how to live a passion driven career.
As a coach I hear a lot of people making HUGE assumptions around what it means to be a leader and often it’s based on their own leadership style. During the show I debunk 3 leadership myths and share the truth around ways you can lead.
As parents and students we don’t know the effects of today’s technology on the future of our kids…which means none of us have the “right” answer; in this episode I focus on education and communication to decide what is best for you and your family.
Most of us are familiar with the term “practice makes perfect” but it’s not true because repeating an action over and over doesn’t make you more skilled at the action, it makes you better at doing it the way you are doing it. I will explore some ways we accidentally practice and offer questions to help you consider if your current “practice” is intentional or unintentional.
This episode is dedicated to YOU!! That’s right, I spend the entire show focused on answering your questions. Listeners from across the country and around the world submitted their questions to be answered live on the show.
In this episode I breakdown the taboo of money talk and discuss the importance of your mindset and language around money. It’s time to think differently and have serious conversations about money to increase financial literacy.
In this episode we are going talk about Purposeful Parenting – what it means and how you can dramatically shift your relationship with your kids by focusing on what you want instead of what they do.
This episode is on luck and law of attraction; we are going to discuss the truth about being unlucky; the brain and how the way you filter information has a lot to do with whether you are lucky or not and I will end with the power of envisioning what you want and it’s impact on what you create in your life.
Time Management vs Energy Management
The truth is we all get the same amount of time each day, so in this episode I take a different spin on time management and instead talk about energy management. I examine how you spend your time and take a close look at time management’s best friend: the dirty two letter word most people avoid saying…NO!
Often you start your job search focused on your ideal but somehow during the process you lose sight of what you really want and end up with a job that leaves you unfulfilled. Learn tips and tools to stay in the right mindset, focus on what you want, and make sure your next job is your ideal career match.
We are constantly hiring people and we aren’t taught to consider the importance of the hiring process. Listen in to hear simple tips that will save you thousands of dollars, countless hours, and a whole lot of heartache when hiring.
The Truth About Happily Ever After
In this episode I talk about how we’re taught you should be happy in your relationship AND how those lessons set us up for failure. I share science to explain why happily-ever-after doesn’t work AND how you can have an outstanding relationship anyway.