Q. I have a very hardworking yet confrontational direct report. I find when we disagree I take responsibility for the disagreement to prevent the situation from escalating and in hopes she takes some responsibility as well, but she doesn’t. How can I get her to see her role in a …
READ MOREQ: I am constantly picking up my kids stuff around the house despite how many times I ask them to pick it up themselves. I feel like a maid, what can I do?
A. Great question! This can be very frustrating. Since kids can easily “turn off” their parent’s voice …
READ MOREQ: My kids are constantly forgetting stuff they need for school and because I work from home they call expecting me to drop it off. It’s really frustrating for me to drive back and forth but I feel bad they don’t have what they need when I know I can …
READ MOREQ: How do I teach my kids to be responsible with money when we live in a “keeping up with the Jones’s” society?
A: Great Question! Since many of today’s adults were taught it’s inappropriate to talk about money, the conversations most kids hear on the subject revolve around paying …