Take time each day to appreciate what shows up in your social media highlight reel and avoid comparing your life to others.…
READ MOREQ. I work in human resources for a large company and I love my work but something is missing. I’m looking for a new job, but fear I will leave my current employer only to feel unfulfilled somewhere else. I’m not sure what to do.
A. Great question! Fear of …
READ MOREQ: I don’t like to post photos of my children on social media but I feel pressured by family and friends to share because everyone else does. I’m considering it but I’m still on the fence, do you have any advice?
A: Great question! Like lemmings jumping to a mass …
READ MOREQ. I work remotely so a lot of my work is online which means I spend a lot of time responding to emails and social media inquiries. Many of the responses are the same but take time to write. There isn’t enough time in my day to get everything done