Apr 24
Have more by doing less

Are you ready to bring abundance into your life? Be who you are and open the doors for allowing abundance to flow to you.…


Apr 23
In the Office – Starting a new career

Q. My career is in investment banking but my passion is cooking.  I’m afraid I won’t be able to support my family starting out in a new career but I dread going back to investment banking.  What should I do?  

A. Great question! Many people are afraid to make the …


Apr 19
Parenting Corner – Having the “sex” talk

Q. My kids are in middle school and my husband and I have been avoiding the “sex talk” but we know it’s time.  Any advice on how to approach this topic with three totally different kids?  

A. Great question! You are right, it is time for the talk; after all …


Apr 17
The gift of DISC


Understanding your child’s behavioral style can help you deepen your relationship by giving that child what they need to feel loved, rather than what you think they need.…


Apr 12
Parenting Corner – My daughter got caught cheating

Q:  My daughter got caught cheating on her history test and was sent to the dean.  She’s a generally good kid, so I don’t understand why she would do this.  To make matters worse, I volunteer at the school so this is extremely embarrassing; what do I do?  

A:  Great


Apr 10
Are you asking the right questions?


Questions like “why” and “how” are non-productive and keep us stuck in the past; learn the right questions to start moving forward. Click here to download a quick reference guide on the right questions to ask.…


Apr 5
The Loss of Curiosity

This week’s post doesn’t answer a question but instead looks at a subconscious trend observed about curiosity.  I would love to know what you think; please post your comments below.

Children are born naturally curious, always asking, “what’s this,” “what’s that,” “how does this work,” “why,” and “what happens when…”  …


Apr 3
Focus on your goals

Many business owners plateau in their growth because they are so involved in doing the next thing that needs done in the business that they lose focus on their primary objectives.  Learn how to stop chasing distractions and focus on your real goals.…


Mar 29
Parenting Corner – Going back to work

Q:  My kids are both in school so I’m thinking about going back to work.  I have been out of the workforce for 7 years and without an advanced degree I fear I can’t find a job.  Do you have any advice?

A:  Great question! First, congratulations on your decision …


Mar 27
The people we spend time with

We are the culmination of the 5 people we spend the most time with; so who do you allow in your life? Identify the people who add to your life and those who subtract or drain energy from your  life. Click here to use the Who Inventory to help you …