Dec 15
Victim or Victor
A victim asks, “why does this always happen to me?” or always has an excuse, “I can’t do it because…” A victim mindset blames others or external circumstances for the current situation or challenge. “The dog ate my homework” is a popular (and humorous) catch-all excuse used by victims!
Instead of asking “why”; a victor asks a better question. For example, “what can I do, when is the best time, who else can I get involved, how can we do this?” A victor chooses to see life’s events as happening for them, instead of to them. Victors realize that they can be at cause in the matter instead of at the effect of situations or other people.
Learning to manage your mindset or state is perhaps the most important skill to master. When you are a victor, you see possibilities that are not visible when looking through the eyes of a victim.
The best way to move from victim to victor mindset is to ask yourself, “What is my role in this?” You reclaim your power when you accept responsibility for whatever. Even when you fail, if you learned something from the experience, you return to your power because the only time you fail is when you fail to learn!
Laura Treonze, serves as Chief Life Strategist with LMT Consulting, which helps executives and teams create massive success through self-awareness. Her life-changing approach has transformed individuals and families and has redefined the way non-profits and corporations “do” business.