Hiring someone based on what they think you want to hear is more costly than not filling a position.…
READ MOREQ: I’m not producing enough breast milk to keep my newborn son satisfied. I understand and believe in the importance of breastfeeding but I’m frustrated and he’s always crying, what should I do?
A: Great question! You are not alone, this is a challenge many new moms face. What is …
READ MOREThe power of understanding DISC is it allows you to fully understand and accept who you are, which allows you to accept others.…
READ MOREQ: I don’t like to post photos of my children on social media but I feel pressured by family and friends to share because everyone else does. I’m considering it but I’m still on the fence, do you have any advice?
A: Great question! Like lemmings jumping to a mass …
READ MOREPeople show loved based on their behavioral style, not necessarily the way you want to be shown love. Do you love the people in your life exactly the way they are?…
READ MOREQ. I work remotely so a lot of my work is online which means I spend a lot of time responding to emails and social media inquiries. Many of the responses are the same but take time to write. There isn’t enough time in my day to get everything done
Q: My baby cries a lot and is instantly soothed when I pick her up. My extended family says I’m spoiling her. Am I doing the wrong thing by picking her up?
A: Great question! The most important thing for you to know as a parent is there is NO …
READ MOREThe DISC Assessment provides a deep understand of what motivates a person; use it to connect people to their cause…not yours.…
READ MOREQ: When I grew up spanking was a common form of discipline but it is taboo now. Are spankings bad for kids?
A. Great question! There is a lot of discussion available online around spanking vs. non-spanking; the goal here is to consider a different perspective. What changes when you …
READ MOREAre you feeling depressed that you’re not where you want to be in life? It may be that you’re really just “stuck” because you’ve been comparing yourself to others. Learn to work in harmony with your behavioral style, and you’ll start to make progress.