Oct 29
You can stop the Ups and Downs caused by Internal Conflict

When you set a goal for something you want, you may have experienced an internal conflict that said something like “you shouldn’t want that,” and that conflict caused you to lose momentum. The constant pull between what you “want” and what you “should do” can be exhausting. In this video …


Oct 24
How to be Expressive When You’re not an Extrovert

Image by rawpixel from Pixabay

The ability to convey your thoughts and feelings are not dependent on how you do it. There have been quietly powerful people throughout history (for example, Mother Theresa or Ghandi) so it’s important not to equate the two.  For you to truly express yourself you must stay true to what’s …


Oct 15
You Have the Power to Improve Your Experience RIGHT NOW!

It’s easy to get caught up in a moment, and miss the opportunity to enjoy what’s happening around us. In this video, Laura shares a personal story about feeling frustrated, and how she identified the experience she really wanted with her family.…


Oct 10
Coaching is NOT Support: Why Parents Shouldn’t Be Coaching From The Sidelines

Most parents have the best intentions supporting their kids athletic interests – they drive to daily practices and endure countless weekends sitting through all types of weather watching games.  Many parents cheer enthusiastically from the bleachers or their chairs, however more and more parents are aggressively coaching their kids from …


Oct 1
There is no “trying” so stop pretending

When it comes to your actions you can’t try; you either do it or you don’t.  Listen to Laura sharing a personal Yoda story and the value of understanding this lesson at a young age.…


Sep 25
Employee Engagement – The Dirty Secret Everyone Knows But Few Are Making Efforts To Solve

Each year I see companies spend thousands of dollars on employee engagement surveys, and I watch managers hold their breath waiting for the results only to realize their employees are like the majority of the working population – DISENGAGED.

According to Gallup, 67% of employees worldwide are disengaged, and 51% …


Sep 17
There Are Stupid Questions – Are you asking them?

We are taught there is no such thing as a stupid question but that’s WRONG!  There are lots of stupid questions.  Check out this video where Laura helps explains which questions don’t serve you and how to flip them to get what you really want – a great answer!…


Sep 12
Parenting Corner – My daughter got caught cheating (re-post)

Q:  My daughter got caught cheating on her history test and was sent to the dean.  She’s a generally good kid, so I don’t understand why she would do this.  To make matters worse, I volunteer at the school so this is extremely embarrassing; what do I do?  

A:  Great


Sep 3
How To Instill Integrity at a Young Age

Integrity is in the little things; whether you’re lying about your kids age for a reduced ticket or not going back when a cashier gives you extra change, your kids are watching. In this video Laura shares a personal story about her 11-year old son’s standard for integrity.…


Aug 30
Proof a Strong Culture Creates a Winning Team


One of the complaints I hear online and during coaching sessions is around the difficulty of hiring and retaining talent.  With 67% of the working population disengaged at work and 51% of employees looking for a job change, it’s clear more than half of today’s workforce isn’t satisfied in …